"So what's with you and Zaynie boy" Louis ask sitting down on a stool beside Niall who was scrolling through her phone.

"Umm nothing " Harry says hopping up on the counter and taking a sip from her coffee.

"Really" Louis asks looking at her

"Well yea we had a little argument and he likes to leave when we argue and he's been busy he had to go to New York for a couple of days, but we talked it out, the media just made it seem like we broke up or some shit" Harry says shrugging

"So you guys are still engaged " Louis asks.

"Yea unless other people know more about my relationship then I do " Harry says laughing.

"And please like they'd ever break up " Niall says laughing and finally looking at them.

"It's true they're gross" Louis agrees laughing.

"Oh Zaynie you're my soul mate I can't believe I'm gonna get to marry you " Niall says mocking Harry and laughing a long with Louis.

"I've never said that " Harry says blushing

"Oh baby girl you're so pretty I can't wait til you're Mrs.Malik" Louis says mocking Zayn and making a kissy face at Harry when she throws an apple and misses his head.

"Shut up and stop teasing me " Harry whines "You're just jealous cause I actually have sex"

"I can have sex ,Niall " Louis ask.

"Yea no I'm not having sex with you keep your dick in your pants" Niall says laughing and moving over to where Harry is.

"Whatever " Louis grumbles
Which makes Niall and Harry laugh
"Hey baby" Harry says she was facetimeing Zayn while sitting in a couch in her room.

"Hi love " Zayn says smiling at her.

"I miss you " Harry whines.

"I miss you too babe but I'm not gonna be in London til next week do you think you can wait that long " Zayn teases.

"It's to long I don't think I can survive " Harry says sighing dramatically.

"I could try to come back earlier " Zayn says laughing at how cute his girlfriend was.

"Oh could you Zaynie that'd be great " Harry says almost squealing.

"I'm gonna try my love, I can't make any promises but I can't wait to see you in person " Zayn says.

"Same can't wait to kiss you " Harry says giving Zayn a flirty look.

"Harry " Niall says jumping on top of Harry and then looking at Harry's phone "Oh hi Zayn"

"Hi Niall " Zayn says giving her a little wave.

"Ni get off of me you're squishing me" Harry whines moving around.

"Whatever shut up , how are you Zayn haven't seen you in a minute " Niall asks ignoring Harry.

"Oh yea gonna have to go to lunch and catch up when I get back" Zayn says.

"Have to bring your princess over here though people might think we're dating if we go alone " Niall says jokingly.

"Yea for sure " Zayn laughs "Okay alright I'll talk to you guys later bye love you "

"Bye I love you " Harry says smiling and hanging up.

"So" Niall says moving and sitting next to her.

"What do you want I thought you went to sleep in the guest room " Harry asks .

"Nah Louis kept bothering me so I came to invite you to watch a movie with us" Niall says.

"I love that you guys act like this is your house and not mine" Harry says laughing "but yea sure I'll go watch the movie "

"Alright " Niall says standing up " don't take to long"

" No I won't I'm just gonna change into some sweatpants " Harry says standing up and walking to her closet.

"Okay, Louis she said yes" Niall screams while she walks out of Harry's room.


I think I'm getting good at this updating thing 😂😂😂


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