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Hey babes. I can't believe I'm doing this, but this is that thing where you have to name somethings about yourself. It seemed exciting so here I am, I suppose. Two of my friends have nominated me for this. To any of you lovelies out there reading this, I hope you enjoy. (I think I'm okay) :)

1. I have so many fandoms that I don't know what to do with them, and I try to distribute my profile pictures and lock screens and phone cases so that I get all of my fandoms across. It's a truly tough life that I live.

2. I mostly play music by ear. I know some people can play by ear and read the score, but nah. I can't read music for shit. Ps, I play piano.

3. Um, is my sexuality a fact about me? If so, I'd like to say I consider myself asexual, panromantic. It's hard to explain. It's like, I'm completely open to falling in love with anyone, but it just hasn't happened yet for me to actually determine my sexuality. Obviously I support gay rights and stuff. I'm just bursting with love for you lovelies.

4. I really do like to write, but I can never find the courage to post anything! It kinda sucks that I'll never find out if I'm a good writer, but it's a bit embarrassing to post my writing.

5. I play soccer! Soccer is really great. My coach is fun and so is everyone else on the team. A couple of the boys can be annoying at times, but they're all very lovely people.

6. I'm one of those weird grammar people and I am always correcting my friends' and family's use of 'good' vs 'well' and their use of adverbs. It's a thing I'm so sorry if I've ever done it to you.

7. Magic. I have this whole thing about magic. It just seems so lovely, and when I read Harry Potter or Percy Jackson and stuff like that I just feel so jealous. It's like, what's wrong with me? Why am I not special like them?

8. I have a very hard time choosing favorites of anything. Favorite food, favorite song, FAVORITE BOOK OMG.

9. Umm, I like anime? Does that count? It's going down. (I'm yelling timber...)

10. OH I KNOW. Okay, so my friend and I were together on a field trip to Adventure Park, and we absolutely loved cart number 5 on the Tilt-A-Whirl. So, we went again in the summer, and we were riding cart 5, the all of a frickin sudden we try to get on and my step dad takes cart number 5. THERE IS LITERALLY NO ONE ELSE ON THE RIDE AND THEY TOOK OUR CART. AND THEY WOULD NOT GIVE IT UP WHICH MADE YS BOTH VERY FRUSTRATED AND ANGRY.

11. Leading off of that, my favorite numbers are 7, 5, 8, and 42. (HITCHHIKERS GUIDE TO THE GALAXY)

12. I'd like to think I'm introverted. I can't talk to people in the real world. I enjoy being alone in my room. (My parents don't get it. "Come downstairs you've been up there since you got home." Well, yeah, mom. I've been at school all day I need to recharge.)

13. Life Goal: Help people as much as I can; World Peace. I just want everyone to be happy. I love you too much to have you suffer. Stay lovely. I'll be here to talk to. <3
So, yeah, that's about it. I hope you enjoyed learning a bit about me and found me interesting. I'm not completely sure what to do now. Do I keep updating? What do I update about? Idek. I'm clueless lol.


1. PineappleoftheLord

2. iiJanielPredaii

3. MariposaFalls11

4. gayshipsareyayships1

5. calmbefourthestorm

6. musicalbutterfly3

7. DaughterOfHades124

8. Mayor0fCanTown

9. ghostphan

10. mycrofts-umbrella

11. DoctorDeanWinchester

12. PoseidonIsBest

13. NekoSlayer

14. Chin_Up_Winchester

15. FandomIsland

I'm so very sorry if any of you are offended by me mentioning you! Some of you may not follow me back, but I followed you for a reason, whether you are a writer I admire, or if you have a cool profile pic, idk. But I hope you're okay with me tagging you. Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Also, here's some honorable mentions:

are both lovely people if you'd like to go follow them. I couldn't tag them in the top portion because they had both nominated me, and this have already done the challenge, but I felt mean leaving them out of the fun, so here you are guys! I LOVE ALL OF YOU! BE HAPPY FRIENDS.

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