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Hello, I hope your day is going well. Can you believe it's 2017? I hope it's a good year for everyone. Okay, well anyway I was tagged by Emmaline_Chayefsky so thank you to her and if you aren't following her, you should because she has some great content. Okay then I guess I'll just go ahead and get started.

1. Crush?

No, but I did see a pretty girl yesterday.

2. Middle name?

It's a color and starts with C.

3. Height?

5' 4"

4. Shoe size?

Women's 8 (ish)

5. Eye color?

Dark brown. Many people think I have black eyes.

6. Last time you cried?

Idk because I honestly cry all the time. I feel like I have cried more recently but the last time I remember crying was probably a few days ago.

7. Biggest Fear?

I have a very big fear of sickness.

8. Last song you listened to?

"Right Hand Man" from Hamilton.

9. Last person you texted?

My friend who doesn't have a Wattpad.

10. Favorite app?

I have many favorite apps, such as YouTube, tumblr, Wattpad, pandora etc.

Okay so there you go. Happy new year and stuff. Let's try to make it a good one. (ALSO SHERLOCK CAME OUT YESTERDAY OH YESSSSSSSSSS)


And anyone else who feels like doing it. No pressure to do it though. Have a good day.

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