Guess who's back bitches

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So today it's a WOULD YOU RATHER TAG HELLA. Nah, just kidding about the hella part because I read these questions and they're pretty odd. Anyhow, shout out to TheAngelOfFandoms for tagging me. Give my lovely friend a follow for me. Here we go.

1. Would you rather eat your dog or give birth to a dog?
A: okay wow that's horrible but I have to go with giving birth to a dog.

2. Would you rather have vinegar eye drops or have Dan and Phil see you in the morning?
A: Dan and Phil

3. Would you rather give up Wattpad or give up Twitter?
A: I don't have Twitter... So, I'll give up Twitter yup

4. Would you rather lose all of your friends or die?
A: I'd rather lose all of my friends.

5. Would you rather go to your dream college or go to your dream place?
A: Probably my dream college because this basically makes sure that I have the money to get in/get in for free and I worry a lot about that I mean the tuition and shit god college just keeps rising, so if me nice to not have to worry about whether I'd be able to go or not.

6. Would you rather eat a bug or kill a llama?
A: Eat a bug. (Sorry bug friend)

Okay, well that's about it thanks for reading you're all too sweet rly. Also, the rules are if you get tagged you've gotta tag 10 other peeps.
My taggy-tags:

1. Emmaline_Chayefsky
2. mycrofts-umbrella
3. theviolist917
4. Alphabeti_Spaghetti
5. the-average-gatsby
6. DoctorDeanWinchester
7. gayshipsareyayships1
8. 50ShadesOfMisha
9. MariposaFalls11

If you are upset about me tagging you, let me know. Sorry if you are, I probably followed you for a reason, whether it's because I know you and you're cool, or if I literally just judged you by your profile picture or your username, or if I like your books whatever. My point is, I follow cool people and if you were tagged it means you're cool. Later kids.

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