Good Vibes?

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Hey there lil muffins. This really isn't a tag but I'm feeling a bit down at the moment so I guess this will be good for me. I'm sorry if you happened to get a notification or anything it's just sort of something that I'm doing for myself I guess. However, if you see this, I urge you to make one of your own. I hope it makes you feel better.

Prompt: What makes you smile? What makes you happy?

I like the feeling of walking into the crisp air after being hot.

I literally love going to get fast food at like one or two in the morning.

I like moments where I feel truly excepted. (For example, the other day, my teammates unanimously voted me athlete of the week, and I got a teeshirt and I swear I was blushing so hard. It was absolutely lovely.)

I love connecting with what I read. I never feel like I have any real emotions anymore so when a book can draw emotions out of me I feel like less broken.

I like bow ties.

I like hearing fandom references.

I like it when my sketches turn out better than I expected.

I like being alone in the mornings and reading or just taking time to myself.

I like my TARDIS pajama bottoms. (They're so cozy.)

I like the sky, the colors, the stars, the planets, the science that goes along with it, everything.

I like the thrill of adventure.

I like knowing that anything is possible.

I like the colors yellow and pink together.

I love lemonade.

I like to learn.

I like paper books over eBooks.

I like to swim.

I like the fall and showing off my new coat.

I like free periods in school, or days where the class work is easy, so that I can finally relax and just chat.

I love libraries.

I like wearing mismatched socks.

I like my internet friends. All, like, two of them. (Emmaline_Chayefsky is one of them and was the one to "tag" me in this. How she knew I needed this is beyond me.)

I like meaningful hugs.

I like hiking along trails in the woods.

I like unplanned detours. (The good ones)

I like horoscopes.

I like the rare moments when I can snuggle up with my doggie.

I like that I believe in magic.

I like my dark hair. (One of my only friends irl says that this color is her favorite.)

I like hearing piano music.

I like finding the perfect words while writing.

I like the idea of me playing the piano but who knows if that will come true.

I like it when it's the perfect temperature and I get to sleep so easily.

I like opening presents on Christmas morning.

I love seeing aesthetically pleasing people.

I love colors.

I love blocking the higher shots on goal. (I'm the goalie for our soccer team.)

I like my beat up converse.

I like staring out the window on long car rides and listening to music.

Idk honestly. I guess this was more for myself than usual and I loved imagining those situations where I feel happy. Thanks, if you actually looked at all of these, it means a lot that you cared enough about me and what I like to scroll through all of these. Again, I strongly believe that you should write one for yourself. It's always nice to talk about yourself. I don't know if anyone even read this, but if you did, I hope it was mildly entertaining and that you could maybe relate to one or two of these. Thanks again to Emmaline_Chayefsky for magically knowing that I needed this. Have a good night/day/whatever. Love you.

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