Hey dudes

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Hey anyone reading this! I'm back at it again with that tag shit. Okay, so iOS 10 bloody sucks doesn't it. The emojis at least. I actually kinda like everything else but wHaT aRe ThOsE eMoJiSsSsSsSs. Anyhow, welcome back. It's nice to see y'all again. Gosh I wish I were funny. Also, THANKS TO TheAngelOfFandoms ily. Okay so here's the picture of the questions I'll be answering:

 Okay so here's the picture of the questions I'll be answering:

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1) Yes. I am terrified but that's expected from me. :/
2) Both? Both. Both is good.
3) Zombies probably?
4) Curssseeessssssssss. Idk. I have a hard time choosing favorites. How about.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... X-Men Apocalypse? ONE OF my favorite movies. I mean QUICKSILVER RIGHT??!! I'm being QUICKSILVER for Halloween it's gonna be great.
5) Cancer 🦀🦀
6) Yeah, but I feel bad for anyone reading. (I'm sorry for wasting your time!!)
7) There's this book called "Monster" that I had to read for school that was literally the worst.

8) My friend called me "Ray-gun" before, "Ricky Blitz" (Y'all know what that's from), "Grandma Alice," and a different friend (theviolist917 ) calls me "Owly Chick

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8) My friend called me "Ray-gun" before, "Ricky Blitz" (Y'all know what that's from), "Grandma Alice," and a different friend (theviolist917 ) calls me "Owly Chick." Love you ❤️
9) I once quit karate when I was five because I got caught looking into the boys restroom. Those were the good old days.

I guess I have to make up questions now

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I guess I have to make up questions now. Also, the original rule was 13 questions so here we go

1) What do you like to do in your spare time?
2) How many times a day do you cry over fan fiction?
3) Can you art?
5) What pet would you have at Hogwarts?
6) What's your favorite season?
7) What new movies are you excited for?
8) How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
9) How many fandoms are you in?
10) Would you be willing to date me? ▫️yes ▫️definitely ▫️absolutely
Just kidding that's not a question
10) If you had to make all of the flora in the world a new color (instead of green) what color would you make it?
11) Breakfast of choice?
12) What is your favorite part of nature?
13) Occupation of choice? (So far)

Well, there you go. I hope you enjoy answering these!



As per usual, I'm sorry if I've offended you by tagging you, but you are someone that I've followed for a reason whether I know you irl, I liked your profile pic a lot, I enjoy your stories, or if we've talked and I just liken you.

Thanks for reading!

Thanks for reading!

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