10 Facts

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It's-a-me! Mario!

I was tagged by crazycristina   If you would give her a follow and check out her books that'd be neat! Thank you!

*Holtzmann voice* Lezgo

Oh and also there are ten questions about yourself that you have to answer.


1) I like soccer but then I played on the high school team and now I don't like it as much idk.

2) I'm low key competitive but I'm not actually good at anything so I just silently judge and hate all the time.

3) I am always having an existential crisis. (Dudes I just watched Inception and I am fricked up)

4) I am a Horned Serpent and a Gryffindor.

5) I love things like magic and dreams so I love Wonderland and stuff. I just find it really cool.

6) I like drawing and I'm thinking about making an art book.

7) Speaking of books, I love books. Reading just makes me feel good.

8) If I could, I would just walk around everywhere and I'd walk to the store and stuff but I get eXTREMELY scared and anxious about getting attacked or something especially since I'm a girl but since my dad lives in this cute little town, when I visit him we go walking so that I feel safe and I get to walk.

9) I forget things pretty easily.

10) I kind of wish I could do something big and helpful but energy and motivation come in short bursts for me so if I happen to listen to a song that inspires me, I will only be inspired
for a short while until I just don't feel like doing anything again lol.

Okay yeah so that's ten facts about me. I actually got tagged like ten years ago so yeah, sorry? Lol anyway I'm tagging:


Have fun but no pressure to do it. See ya!

Hello... It's me.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora