Chapter 1

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You live in (H/T). It is 6:00pm and you are packing to move because your father found a new job in Sina. You live with your dad and your sister Ana (A/n: If your name is Ana then you can change it) your mother died in a car crash when you were 2 years old. You are 13 years old while your sister Ana is 14.

Your P.O.V
I was in my room packing my stuff because i was moving to Sina. Apperently my dad has gotten a job over at Sina and we have to move. The truth is... I don't want to move because there are a lot of memories in this house that I don't want to forget, even if those memories keep me from moving on. I didn't want to leave the house were I grew up in, were I cried in, and were I lived in. I didn't want to leave all the memories I had in this house with my mom, all the good times I had in this house. I was packing my last clothes, i got up from the floor and went to get the tape that was on top of a box. When i had the tape in my hand I went over to the last box to tape it close. I was looking around my room that had nothing else in it, then there was a knock on my door, "come in" I said, my dad entered my room and said "sweety its time to go. Do you have all your stuff packed up and ready?". I just shook my head yes, my dad came up to me and gave me a hug saying "I know it's hard for you and believe me its hard for me too but we have to leave now." i just looked at him and said "i know dad, let's just get going already ok?" my dad sighed and started to pick up the boxes that were in my room, i started to help him with my boxes. 10 minutes later all of my boxes were in the moving truck and my dad started to drive. I sighed "this is going to be a long ride."

This is my first story, so please no hate comments if it's bad or something.

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