Chapter 3

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Your P.O.V

~2 hours later~

"Finally I finished" I faceplant on my pillow on my now done bed, I was about to go to sleep when I heard a knock outside my room and my dad's voice saying "don't forget to take a shower sweetie" I groaned then got up to get my towel and made my way to the bathroom to take a shower.

~time skip~

Once I was done I got into my (F/C) PJ's and went to sleep.


It was dark all around me until I saw my old school where they used to bully me only for being emo. I got closer and closer until I saw my old enemy (E/N). I was about to run when suddenly someone grabbed my arm and threw me to the floor so hard I lost conscious. *end of dream*

Beep beep beep beep!!!

I turned off my alarm and saw that it was 7:00㏂. I got off my bed shaking because of the dream I had, I went into the bathroom so wash my face and my teeth. Once I was done with that I went to get changed into (picture above). When I finished getting changed I went to put eyeliner and do my hair, when I finished I went to eat breakfast. Once I finished my brakefast I told my dad I was leaving to go to school so me and my sister grabbed our skateboards and went to school.

~another time skip~

Once me and Ana arrived to school we went straight to the office to get our schedule. Ana and me had 4 classes together which are math, science, PE, and art, we told our goodbyes and went straight to class which I couldn't find... it has been 10mins and I still can't find my class until I finally found it. I entered the room and the teacher asked me "why are you late?" And I told her "someone told me to go to hell... couldn't find it at first... but now I'm here" some of the students laughed and some just stayed quiet. I looked around and introduced my self then went into a seat that behind a boy with a undercut and gray eyes that was glaring at a boy with brown hair and emerald eyes. The class started but I didn't pay attention instead I went to sleep.

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