Chapter 2

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5 Years Later

I was running through my forest on my weekly check, searching for anything out of the ordinary. I was about to head back to my cave when i heard.....arguing? 

"Hurry up ice princess!" "Shut it pyro!" "What'd you call me popsicle?" "You heard me ash-for-brains!" "You wanna fight?!" "All right! Let's go!" 

Who are these idiots disturbing my sanctuary with their shenanigans?! Do they know who's forest they are in?! They want to fight? All right! I'll show them!

Before i could even move my paws in there, their heads were bashed together. "IS THIS FIGHTING I SEE?!" Screamed a red-head surrounded by a dark aura. YEESH! Talk about scary!

"N-no Erza! Just best buds here!" The pink headed man whimpered. Huh. Pink-what a strange hair color. Kinda looks hot though. WAIT WHAT ARE YOU THINKING! YOU DON'T HAVE TIME FOR RELATIONSHIPS! YOU ARE THE GUARDIAN OF THE FOREST! I mentally scolded my self. I slapped myself on the forehead making a noise. Oh crap!

The brady-bunch stopped arguing and stared in my direction. Without thinking i ran as fast as my white paws could carry me. I heard the branches and leaves crunching under their feet as they followed me. I jumped over fallen down trees, making sharp turns trying to lose them. 

"WOW! What a pretty wolf!" The 'Pyro' told to his buddies while running next to the scarlet-hair demon. He thinks i'm pretty? I thought jumping over a five foot stream. I got an idea!

I made a sharp left confusing them, but they quickly adapted. You won't be able to follow me here! I told myself smiling triumphantly. I saw the rocks coming up quick.

We ran out into the clearing before the 50 foot cliff. I sped up when they started slowing down to a quick stop."What is she thinking?! She's gonna kill herself!" The grey-haired man quickly yelled. 

In a matter of seconds, i jumped off the cliff, but did not fall as they would have expected. I was walking on air as if it were normal ground. What they don't know, is that i have many powers like, 'flying' if that's what you want to call it, telepathy, i'm a hell'of a fighter,i have a human form, i can summon the animals of the forest, i can control people but only after a long spell, i have powers like all of the dragon slayers, i can talk to animals, i can control nature and weather, and so much more. 

I walked up about 8 feet above them and looked down. They stared at me shocked but soon came to their senses.

"How can you do that?!" The pink headed man called up to me. I guess they don't know who i am yet. Everyone usually doesn't, or at least they don't remember at first until they see the markings on my body and face. 

As soon as the Guy said that, the red-head supposedly named Erza got a look of realization with complete and utter shock on her face. She quickly grabbed the two boys necks and pulled them down with her into a bow. 

"What are you doing Erza?" The grey haired man asked curiously and worried. She stuttered out  her answer. "Th-that's The F-Forest G-Guardian!" She exclaimed a bit excitedly and amazed. 

I was pleased by their show of respect. I knew they wouldn't hurt me, or if they did, the girl would stop the other two. I 'walked' down to their level and looked at them with happiness. 


Ezra quickly grabbed Gray and mine's necks and brought us to a bow before i could ask who the beautiful wolf was. Gray asked what Erza was doing before i could. Nothing gets Erza this excited or nervous besides strawberry cake, and i didn't see any near by. "Th-that's The F-Forest G-Guardian!" Ezra exclaimed looking up at the supposedly 'Forest Guardian'.

 Who is that? She sounds important, I thought to myself, also joining Gray and Erza in looking up at the mystical creature. 

When i brought my head back up i was surprised to find the strawberry and vanilla smelling white wolf eye level with us, still floating in the sky. She had a kind and approving smile on her face. 

Gray and Erza looked amazed staring at the yellow and blue eyes before us."She is the protector of the forest, and ruler of all of the animals and creature in it. It is said that only one person has seen her after she saved a village a while ago, and that person is Master Makarov. He told me the story of the white wolf he met in the forest five years ago. He was on a walk one day when he met her. He says she spoke to him and granted him luck." Ezra told happily that she could have the same experience.

Before i could say something, the Guardian spoke into our heads. Man, people sure do like cutting me off.

"Ah, yes i have met your master Markov before. He is a kind man. I see he taught you well my friend. It is true i granted him luck for his respect, and i will do the same for you for yours. But, this time i will grant you happiness too for giving me a fun time being chased, and entertainment with your arguing. I hope to meet you again in the future. I had fun." She spoke with such an angelic voice, i could fall asleep right there, if Erza wasn't still holding my neck. 

The wolf's eye's and markings glowed bright changing color from blue to yellow. When she did this, i felt such a warm glow enter my body, momentarily blinding me in it's light. When the light died down again and we could see, the pretty white-wolf was gone.

"Oi, where did she go?" Gray asked looking around for her, as i did the same. "She is the Forest Guardian, and the forest needs guarding. She couldn't stay forever even if she wanted to you know. I feel very blessed and lucky to have me her, AND to be given luck and happiness. You two should be grateful too." Ezra said hugging the remaining warmth of her own body.

It feels as if the wolf is hiding something. I hope to meet her again, and figure out what, so i can help her to repay for this luck and happiness.

And with that, the three of us walked back to the guild in silence, after our mission and meeting in the forest. 

I will find her again.

I will.

I must.




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