Chapter 4

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Natsu flung open the big wooden doors revealing a bar like room filled with people talking, some drinking, and some just fooling around. Before i could stare in awe any longer Natsu shouted to the people.

"MINNA, LISTEN UP!" This caught everyone's attention, and they all averted their eyes to us stopping what ever they were doing.

"This is Lucy, a friend of mine! Take care of her!" He shouted pointing to me with a smile, which was short lived when someone else shouted an insult.

"Flame brain has friends?!" A raven haired man shouted chuckling at the same time. He looks kind of familiar too.

"What'd you say popsicle?!" Natsu shouted walking over to him, clashing their heads together. "You heard me ash-for-brains!" The raven haired man countered. 

AH! I remember him! He was with Natsu in the forest arguing just like this when i found them! I think his name was Gray! But wait, wasn't there a red haired women with them? Ezra, right?

Just as i was about to look around the guild for her, she quickly appeared hitting Natsu and Gray's heads together knocking them out for a second. She had a scary black aura around her, with an annoyed face. 

"Is this FIGHTING i see?!" She asked starring down at the two while they shivered in fear. "N-no E-Erza, just friendly wrestling!" Gray stuttered thinking of an excuses. I started to laugh loudly because of how   stupid they looked.

Everyone stopped looking at the three and put their eyes on me. I quickly ceased my laughing, embarrassed of how they were all looking at me. Since i am the Forest Guardian, i can slow down my aging, which is the reason why i am really 237 years old but look like a 17 year old. But during all that time, i never made contact with people only the animals, except for when i helped that village, or when people come into my forest like the three people in front of me, or when they are killing my forest. This make me a little shy and nervous around people.

Natsu immediately got up and walked to my side. "Do you want to introduce your self?" He whispered in my ear. I hesitantly nodded walking up to the stage with Natsu. When i got up there, everyone was still quiet waiting for me to talk.

I slowly grabbed the microphone thinking of what i should say. I was debating on whether i should tell the rest of them i'm the forest guardian. This is the guild of an old friend, so i guess i could trust them to not tell anyone. It's now or never!

"Hieveryone,mynameisLucyHeartfilliaandimtheforstguradian." I said quickly nervous of their reaction. Natsu quickly put a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "You need to say it slower Luce," He chuckled. 

Everyone else had a confused face trying to figure out what i said. I sighed and went to say it again. "Hi everyone, my name is Lucy Hearfillia and i am the legendary Forest Guardian." I spoke clearly.

Some people looked shocked, while most looked like they thought i was lying. "I don't believe you, prove it!" Someone shouted. "Alright," I sighed.

I walked up closer to the front of the stage. I got down to a crouch and shifted into my white wolf with blue markings that show my power and authority. Everyone was shocked, some with their jaws on the floor. One person in the crowd fainted, so i walked down the stairs still as my wolf over to them. 

Everyone cleared a path for me, and when i got there is saw a short girl with blue hair and an orange dress. This one big man with long black hair, red eyes, and piercings was holding her trying to wake her up. 

When i was infront of them, he looked up with scared eyes, but they quickly softened. I walked closer to the two, and talked into his mind. "Please put her down, i will wake her up." He looked reluctant, but also thankful. He gently place her down on her back on the wooden floor.

He backed up, making room for my huge wolf form. As i walked over to her, my markings started to glow blue. Animals usually faint a lot in the forest like, when the baby animal is born because they see me for the first time and feel my power, so i'm used to it.

I walked up behind her towards her head, and gently touched my nose to her forehead crating a small blue light there. The light died down like my makings, she slowly opened her eyes. 

I backed away, and the black haired man came back over to her as she sat up. "Levy! Are you ok?" He asked helping her stand. She nodded any looked around. Her eyes stopped when they landed on my yellow and blue eyes. 

I transformed back into my human form, >luckily clothed< and walked up to her. He eyes held amazement and shock, but pure happiness in them too. 

I was now standing in front of the two, everyone sill quiet and shocked. I gave her a reassuring smile. "Are you ok?" I gently asked. She nodded excitedly. "You're the real Forest Guardian! The one who saved the village 100 years ago! I've read all about you!" She exclaimed jumping up and down a little. I giggled at her enthusiasm. "Yep, that's me!" I said pointing to my chest funnily still giggling. 

Before i could talk anymore, there was a loud slam, and a short old man came out annoyed front a room on the second floor balcony. "What's going on?" He shouted from the balcony. 

His annoyed eyes scanned the crowd, then sorted in to a happy look with a smile on his face when he looked at me. "Ah! My old friend! Welcome, good to see you!" He greeted happily. I smiled and answered him back. "Nice to see you again Makarov! One of you guild members, Natsu brought me here!" I said mirroring his happiness. 

We both gave a small laugh, but then Erza came up to me dragging Gray. She quickly got on her knees, and bowed her head, pulling Gray with her. "We are so sorry for not believing you. Oh, and thank you for last time." She apologized still on her knees with Gray next to her doing the same. 

I smiled softly. "There is no need to apologize, i understand. Raise your heads, we are equal. " I put my hands on both their shoulder. They both looked up shocked, but they smiled thankfully. They got up, and Erza stuck out her hand, still smiling. "Ezra Scarlet, nice to meet you again." I shook her hand, then Gray introduce himself too. "Gray Fullbuster, you seem cool." He said looking a little bored, but had a little bit of blush on his cheeks. I giggled and took his firm hand and shook it too. "Nice to meet you two again." I giggled.

After that everyone in the guild introduced them selves. When all of that was done, Mira came up to me with Makarov by her side. "Would you like to join our guild Lucy?" Mira asked with the stamp in her hand. 

Could i really join Fairy tail? I am still the Forest Guardian so i have to look over the forest.

 As if Makarov read my mind, he quickly added to Mira's question. "Of course we understand you have to look over the forest still, but you can come any time." Well that solved my problem. I then put out my hand in front of Mira with a smile. "I would be honored to. Can i get it on my left hand in pink?" I asked. She nodded with a smile, and put the magical stamp over my left hand. When she lifted it back up, there in it's place was a pink Fairy tail insignia. 

I smiled at my new guild mark. 

I think i'm gonna like it here.

The Forest Guardian-NaLu-حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن