Author's Note

1.1K 27 13

Hey everyone! 

You must be wondering why I haven't updated this story in a while. I first started writing this book a while ago and I don't really feel the enjoyment to finish it anytime soon. When I first started this book, I wasn't that good at writing, but I have improved greatly. Just reading it now makes me cringe at all of the lack of commas lol. 

I am not completely discontinuing this story, but I probably won't update anytime soon. Sorry! <3

When I saw that I had reached 1k reads I was ecstatic! I never thought anyone would like my writing so much, even if it was really bad back then. I'm so thankful for all of your votes and views! 

I probably will update this story in the near future, but I don't really feel the push and need to continue this one for now. Consider this as a hiatus for a little while. I'm sorry for all of you who are asking me to update, but I didn't want to leave you wondering when I'm going to update.

Thank you all for understanding.

Keep on reading you little readers! <3

The Forest Guardian-NaLu-Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant