Chapter one

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I lay in bed pondering on how the events of tomorrow are expected to unravel. The thought of being in the same space as the Prince dawns on me. It's said that he is as cold as the winter season. I refuse to imagine the state of him now, after the recent passing of his father the King. It's voiced that he died of a heart attack. There's also accusations being handed around, saying that the Prince poisoned him. God, people will believe anything these days. It's quite sad actually. It really makes me wonder why on earth he would want to arrange a meeting with me at such difficult times.

Men dressed in formal attire had approached my Aunties restaurant earlier today. They were all quite intimidating, each one having a scary uniqueness about them. They had told us, that our presence at the royal palace was needed. And that it was our obligation to attend this so called meeting. The both of us. My immediate assumption was that my Aunty Mariana, rani for short. Was trying to sell her famous chocolate and cinnamon cupcakes at the palace entrance again. She was quick to validate that she had stopped that, after the sixth warning she had received. Typical Aunt Rani, she's always finding ways to make our lives extra complicated, unintentionally of course. I've learnt to live with it. She is after all the women who raised me after mom and dad died. In some ways it made healing a lot easier, since Aunt Rani was mom's twin. I'm not saying she's replaced her; it just gives me a sense of comfort, knowing a piece of her is still with me.

There is a certain social standard implicating the hierarchy of the wealthiest to the less fortunate citizens of Dazianna. In my case we are situated dead smack in the centre, in most cases it would be considered as middle class. I had never, until now been anywhere close to meeting the Royal family. So I don't exactly know what to expect. Perhaps they will be considerably kind and treat us much like equals. Or they could be dreadful and throw us in the dungeon because of Aunt Rani's cupcake shenanigans. Do they even have a dungeon? I'm sure the medieval methods of punishment have been abolished. But you never know, they are after all Royalty. They can unabolish it, Is that even a word? Who knows.

I close my eyes as the reluctant urge to keep them open creeped up on me. And I buried my face into a pillow, moulding my way into comfort. The last thing I thought of was my mother and father singing to me before darkness engulfed my thoughts, bringing me into a deep slumber.

I had decided to wear what I assumed was appropriate for the occasion. A pair of black denim jeans, a white t-shirt and a brown leather jacket. I complimented it with a floral scarf, to add a bit of uniqueness to my dreadfully plain panache. I slipped on my white converses, before trudging down the stairs to the restaurant. Yes, we live in our restaurant. Well above it anyway.

"Aunt Rani, where are you?"

"In here, Vee!" She bellowed from the Kitchen.

"Mm... What is that smell?" I inhaled the scent of herbs and spices, the aroma was pleasurable to my nostrils and it seemed as if my brain was addicted to the air.

"I'm experimenting." Aunt Rani said dashing around the kitchen like a spy on a mission.

"With what? Heavens ingredients?" I hovered over the pot simmering on the stove.

"Your Aunt Rani here, is truly gifted. Isn't she?" I nodded my head vigorously with a diabolical grin.

"Is that what you're wearing today?" My smile slowly diminished as she shot a distasteful glare my way.

"What's wrong with it?" I asked in a bored tone, knowingly of Aunt Rani's disapproval with my fashion sense. Which is basically, Jeans, shirts and converses. It's definitely a downgrade from her proclaimed image. Short dresses, high heels and a careless attitude. A few reasons why she is still without a husband. She tends to draw in the wrong kind of men. Men that are after one thing and one thing only. Once they've achieved that, I'm left to pick up the pieces, every single one of them. She's basically a teenager in a thirty-six-year-olds body. Let's just leave it at that.

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