Chapter six

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"So, what you're telling me is that, due to a ridiculously medieval and absurd law. Stating the Prince cannot be crowned King, until he marries. That you and the Prince... The prince and you, are getting married?" Pia said exchanging looks between the both of us.

"Yes," stunned at my own response, I glanced over at him, who's oblivious or simply dispassionate to anything were talking about. His face was chillingly deadpan. You could throw a snake at him and his reaction would be disappointing.

"To one another?" Pia asked, her face disconcerted.

"I would assume so, he is the Prince." I stated sarcastically, Pia hesitantly shifted her gaze to him.

"Do you love her?" she said, her dimples appearing on her rosy cheeks as she smiled.

"Pia!" I hissed, as if someone were watching. Which wouldn't be a complete surprise. We were after all sitting in a half crowded café with the Prince of Dazianna.

After ditching Parker and his doppelgangers, Pia insisted, well more in correspondent to forced us into this now awkward interrogation.

The Prince was knowingly caught off guard, looking momentarily astounded, he visibly gulped. A stream of heat instantly travelled up my neck, filling my cheeks and I covered my face in disbelief.

"Love her?" he repeated half of her question.

"Pia, we literally met an hour ago. Love is far from discussion." I muttered between a gritted smile.

"Right," she palmed her forehead, mumbling gibberish to herself. After a momentarily silent moment, she smiled before asking her next question. "What about first impressions? What did you think the first time you saw her?" I assumed she'd be prettier, I thought to myself, a scowl instantly consuming my face.

"My immediate thought..." he uttered, rubbing the side of his neck. "My immediate thought, was that she would make a great princess and an even greater wife. I understand that this particular marriage is considerably outrageous and inconvenient, but that will not interfere with anything. I will do everything a loving husband would do in a customary marriage. I will make sure to guide and protect Avani in every way possible, that's a promise." My jaw almost instantaneously dropped to the ground as I turned to face him. Liar. liar. LIAR.

"Is that so?" I glared at him, he returned it with a murderous squint of his eyes. We were embraced in a few seconds of utter silence, our glowers saying everything that needed to be said. Until, a colossal squeal burdened my eardrums making us both cringe.

"I can't believe you're getting married... and to a Prince," Pia beamed with glee. She practically leaped over the table and beared me in a tight hug. My eyes still focused on the Princes. A small curve tugged at the side of his lips. Sneaky Prince, well played. Prince, one. Avani, zero.

"I know where we can find the perfect wedding dress," she whispered into my ear, sounding a tad uncanny.

"Well... I must be leaving now; I have a few Royal errands to run." Capturing Pia's attention, she sat back in her chair. I rolled my eyes at him, turning my attention in the other direction.

"No one's stopping you," I uttered, sipping my coffee.

"For someone who was just saved a few minutes ago, by a Prince. You are seemingly ungrateful." He made sure to accentuate his unmissable title.

"Ha! I had it all under control. So, let' not overthink it... What were you even doing? Were you following me?" I questioned, squinting my eyes.

"Didn't seem that way in my honest opinion," he swiftly stood from his chair. No one asked for your opinion. "The best cappuccinos are made here, so let's not overthink it, Okay?" He added the smart remark.

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