Chapter two

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"I mean... it's strictly up to you." Elijah was quick to add in.

"What about the Prince?"

"He has come to terms with the seriousness of marriage. In addition to his place on the throne."

"Meaning?" Aunt rani asked what I had been thinking.

"He has consented and kept to his father's side of the agreement."

"What if I refuse?"

"Then a Prince will be wifeless and our country would be without a King." Elijah confirmed in a punitive manner.

"That hardly seems fair, Elijah. She's only known for not even a second and you're already administering the guilt card."

"Well, I'm sorry Mariana but..." their voices sounding muffled as I escaped into my inner thoughts. This theatrical display that I'm witnessing from the sidelines is unravelling before my eyes. The furiousness situated on my Aunties face is hardly looming. And will soon evolve into a deadly scowl. Why is she so choleric about the situation? I was after all the only one left out of the loop. Fancy that? Wife and Princess being thrown into the same sentence. I wouldn't know the first thing about being a wife let alone a Princess. I'm only eighteen, who in their right mind would convince someone of my age into getting married? And why was I never told about my father's relationship with the King? I am his daughter, for god sakes. Did no one think to consider my perspective on the matter.

"Avani!" Aunt Rani snapped her fingers in my face.

"Sorry?" I reluctantly fixed my eyes on her.

"What do you think?" What do I think? So now I get a say. After everything's already been agreed upon. The deal, the contract, the Prince; it's all been structured and I am left with this diabolical decision to make. Consequences coming out both ends of the stick.


"Think about what your father would have wanted and-"

"No!" Aunt Rani articulated fiercely, her eyes flickering in the direction of Elijah and then back to me. "This is your decision, it's absurd to think of your father's wishes regarding such a life altering affair. This is your life Avani, you control what path it goes down, no one else."

"I...I-I need a minute." I quickly stood and competed for the exit.

"Avani!" I heard my Aunty call out, but I refused to listen and continued out the door. Just breathe Avani, everything's going to be all right. This is all just a bad dream. I endeavoured to tell myself, but reality sunk in and I felt my eyes welling with an overwhelming amount of tears. I sat on the polished marble staircase that spiralled all the way up to the highest level. Making sure to curl into the corner, in avoidance of anyone noticing me. This is too much; I can't comprehend any of it. Just yesterday I was sitting at a coffee shop discussing with my best friend Pia the absurdness of her shopping for a wedding dress. When she's merely been dating her new man for a month. Yet here I am actually considering marrying a complete stranger and let's not forget the title princess along with it.

"Aw, Avani," my Aunty stared down at me sympathetically. She scooted over to me and wrapped her arm around my shoulder. My sudden instinct kicking in and I curled into her side. "I'm so sorry this had to happen. Your father wasn't the smartest man I knew."

"Why did he do it? How could he sell his only daughter's future away like that?"

"I honestly cannot tell you that. I was infuriated with your mother when she had told me about the deal that was concocted between the two men." I suddenly moved away from Aunt Rani and looked up at her.

Suddenly A PrincessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora