Chapter five

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I stared up at him in complete astonishment, my mouth practically dropping to the floor. Did the Prince of Dazianna and my now apparent fiancé - just speak the words I thought he did? I assumed she'd be prettier? I thought furiously, anger fuelling what I would say next. I'm fine with partaking our first relationship fight, precisely at this very instant. Of eyes and ears view of the Queen.

"Christian!" Elle hissed at her son, his gaze still focused on me.

"Well, you're definitely, no George Clooney. The television ensures miracles on your appearance." I blurted out. The words he had alleged before still repeating in my head. Enflaming my cheeks and desire to scream into a pillow.

"Are you done?" I blinked at his reply.

"I thought you'd be taller," I add, obviously spilling out an utter bluff since he towered about a foot or two over me.

He scoffed. "I hate liars."

"And I hate arrogant Princes," I folded my arms over my chest, His face then, almost instantaneously became granite.

"Arrogant? Why are you agreeing to marry me then?" The question practically hovered above his head in my imagination.

"Because I refuse to let my country and our fathers hard work go down in ruins, due to a stupid law. Now is no time for me to be selfish or inconsiderate, even if it does implicate marrying you. I am sacrificing just as much as you - even more. So don't speak to me as if I am an illiterate love-struck girl. I'm far from it, I can tell you that." We both glowered at one another, clear fury burning in his hazel orbs.

"Well, isn't this lovely... I'm sure you two will get along just fine." Elle intervened the strong tension between us, earning a glare from her son. "Christian, why don't you walk your bride-to-be to the car, she has some big news to inform her friends and family... Princess Avani, how does that sound?" she sighed at the thought.

"It sounds like a toilet paper brand," he murmured, only me hearing the sly remark. Jerk.

"Of course you will not be proclaimed Queen until I feel as if you're ready for it. But Princess is definitely a promising start." I nodded my head unable to answer her overwhelming question. "You will make an amazing princess and might I add the prettiest out of the lot." She cupped my chin directing her statement more towards her son than me. "And the best daughter-in-law ever." She made sure to emphasize daughter.

"Thank you." I whispered before embracing her into a tight hug, I squeeze my eyes shut to prevent the tears threatening to spill out.

"What is this for?" She questioned taken aback by my sudden affection.

"For treating me so kindly and... Showing me a mother's love," I felt his eyes on me, the feeling was making me nauseous and marginally uncomfortable.

"There will be much more to come, I can promise you that," she smiled at me as I pulled away from her grasp and moved out the door, The Prince following beside me.

The walk down the commodious hall was painfully awkward, on the mere fact that we had placed each other in foul moods. He had started it, was my defence.

"Avani? What kind of a name is that?" he muttered under his breath.

"It's one of a kind," I spat the answer out, my eyes flashing with annoyance. I turned right assuming it was the correct route to where the chauffer was parked.

"This way," I heard him call. I switched my eyes to him as he strode off in the opposite direction. Jerk, he couldn't even wait for me. I practically had to jog to catch up to his purposely large steps.

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