Let me be the one that shines with you (Chapter 2)

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This chapter is  still PG-13 rated


As I thought we finished filming really late. It was 7 pm and Anthony decided to meet with that mysterious guy who happened to be his 'boyfriend'. Fuck,it doesn't seem real this situation. Maybe I should support him more,though. Once home,I locked myself in the bathroom and began to stare at the mirror. 

 'I'm not that ugly.' I thought as my fingers were tracing the outline of my jaw. Blue eyes,a good pair of lips. Odd hair maybe,but they suit me just perfectly. I would consider myself a good looking guy. Maybe I'm just not Anthony's type. Maybe gay people wouldn't go for me. 'Fuck! Why the hell am I this bothered by this all of a sudden?!' I almost yelled. Instead of thinking these kind of things I should support him,for Christ sake. He's my friend and I should stay by his side no matter what. Suddenly I heard a noise coming from the living room. I slowly got out the bathroom. I realized it was Anthony's voice.So, he was already back? Then I heard another voice. An unfamiliar voice. A MAN voice. Oh,don't tell me he..

 'Hey,Ian! Come here a second!' I heard Anthony shouting from the living room.

 'Alright,I'm coming!' I took a deep breath and reached Anthony who was waiting for me expectant. By his side there was a guy. He wasn't that tall or muscular like I'd imagined he'd be. He was as tall as me,he was skinny with pale skin. His hair were short and they were the same color as mine,without the 'bowl' cut,of course. His eyes were a light brown and too small according to me. I looked at him from head to toes,then I realized I was staring and turned towards Anthony,who was looking at me with a funny expression on his face. He was amused by my reaction,that dick.

 'Ian,this is Frank.' He looked at me and then at the guy.

 'Nice to meet you. I'm Frank.' I shook his hand,still analyzing him. 'I guess you're the best friend Anthony always talks about.' He smiled.

 'Yes,I am. I guess.' I returned the smile quickly and  then shot an angry glance at Anthony.

 'Since you wanted to know so badly who I was dating,I asked him to come here with me to meet you. ' Anthony's smile grew wider. He knew he'd pay for that. That bastard.

 'You seem a little disappointed,Ian.' Frank suddenly said,making me wince. So freaking full of himself. 'Are you surprised?' He asked again,this time more urgently.

 'Yeah,well…I thought it would be a big guy and not a skinny boy.'

 They both began to laugh as what I've just said was the funniest thing in the world. I couldn't' accept this at all. Anthony was the one who spoke again.

 'Well,since you guys have finally met,we're leaving now. We're going out tonight. Make sure the door is closed when we leave,ok?'

 'O-okay. Are you going to be late?' I asked him.

 'No,i don't think so. I have to do my part of the editing,remember?' Oh yeah,the editing. Fuck.

 'Well,bye then.' He said,looking at me and still smiling. That freaking smile.

 'Goodbye. Have fun.'

 'Bye!' Frank said when he was already out of the house. I didn't even bother to answer and I close the door behind them. I let out a loud sigh,my head was resting against the door,eyes closed shut. This situation's worse than I thought. With another loud sigh I headed to my office. I was partially happy to work,because I'd have to concentrate on the video,without thinking about Anthony and that fucking skinny-Frank. I literally jumped on the chair,ready to work.

 'Why am I this tired already?' I asked myself.

 I stared hard at my reflection in the black screen of my computer. 'I think my face is much more beautiful.' I mumbled. What does Frank have that I don't? Is it because he's skinny? Am I really this unattractive? I turned on the computer,but instead of working,I began searching informations about relationships between men and I soon found myself reading stuff I thought I'd never read. Like homo mangas. Suddenly,a guy with cat's ears and a tale caught my attention. 'A freaking cat?? What the hell is that supposed to mean?' I was talking to myself like an idiot. 'Oh,fuck off!' I turned off the computer and headed to the kitchen. I couldn't work. Anthony will be furious. I ran my hand through my messy hair and I rested my head heavily on the wall. I'm so fucked.


 I heard the door open. It's been 3 hours since Anthony was gone with that thing and finally he was home. 

 'Hey dude,how's going?' He asked,putting his car keys on the counter.

 'I'm fine,thanks. Just a little bit tired. How was the date?' I asked him even though I really didn't want to know.

 'Oh,it was fine. We went to see a movie. That's all.'

 Well,at least they didn't do anything of the things I read on the internet. So gross. I was still thinking about that freaking cat. Arrg.

 'I brought some Chinese food on the way home.' He put the bag with the food on the table and sat on a chair,sighing aloud. 'I'm so hungry.'

 'Me too man.' I sat in front of him and took hold of some food. 'I freaking love Chinese food.' I said,chewing a piece of chicken.

 'I know man. It's pure bliss.' I nodded in agreement and kept eating. We stayed like this for almost 5 minutes,then I decided to talk. I had to ask him.

 'Hey Ant. What's the 'cat' in a relationship between men?' I calmly asked. On the other hand,Anthony almost spat his soda all over the table.

 'What?!' His eyes widened like I was asking something so bad or shameless.

 'Yeah,I mean…today I was going to edit,but then I decided to read about relationships between men and I found a pic of a man with cat's ears and tale and I wondered what was the meaning of that.' I paused for a moment,taking another bite of that delicious food,then asked. 'Are you a 'cat',Anthony?' 

 Anthony's jaw nearly dropped. 'Ian,a 'cat' is what you call the guy who plays the female role in sex between men.' He paused just to see my confused expression. 'To put it bluntly,it's the guy who takes it up the ass.'

 WHAT THE FREAKING FUCK?! Up the ass? Oh my God.

 'Hey Ian. Don't imagine it,you perv!' He said,while chewing his last bite.  I immediately erased what I was thinking. I didn't want to think of a nude Anthony,taking it up…oh God. It was too late.

 'I'm sorry man,I couldn't help it. So,does that mean you…' I didn't need to finish my sentence. I was probably making a disgusted face because Anthony was suddenly really pissed. He immediately got up and headed towards his bedroom.

 'I'm sorry that I disgusted you this much by telling you I'm gay. For the matter,if you really want to know,I am not a freaking cat. Happy now?!' 

 I didn't have the time to answer back because he opened the door of his room and angrily shut it behind him,making it slam against the wall. Crap. He was really pissed. Why am I such a freaking idiot?


~I hope the tears don't stain the world that waits outside

   Where did it all go wrong?~

Let me be the one that shines with you. (Ianthony)Where stories live. Discover now