Let me be the one that shines with you. (Chapter 6)

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I'm not really happy with this :( Forgive me if this chapter's not enough❤


 It's been a week since I became Anthony's lover. I was still wary of his feelings though. The good thing about having Anthony as a lover's that we can do whatever we want without problems because he's my best friend and no one is suspicious if I go out openly with him or If I spend a lot of time with him. People already know that we live together and that we work together,so it's quite advantageous. I can just relax and have fun with him and,as bad as it could sounds,whenever we get horny,we can have sex (not really sex,but something that it's really,really close to that). The only thing that it's quite difficult to accept,is that I am the bottom.

'Aah,wait..' I panted 'Ant,I said wait..' I was knelt on the floor right in front of my bed. My hands were gripping at the sheets tightly and my head was pressed into the mattress. My boxers were somewhere around my thigh,exposing my butt to Anthony,who didn't have the intention to stop and who was furiously thrusting is fingers in and out of me. Faster and faster. Too fast. 

'Freaking hell,Anthony..' I was breathing hard and it was difficult in that position and situation to  make a coherent sentence. 'If you don't slow down,I'll come too fast.'

'Then just come' He hotly whispered in my ear. He thrusted his fingers faster then before if it was humanly possible. 

'Ah fuck!' I felt myself getting weak on the knees as soon as I came. I closed my eyes and tried to regain my breath. My hands loosened the grip on the sheets and my body finally relaxed. When I opened my eyes,Anthony's head was pressed on the bed near mine and he was looking at me. I blinked. 

'What?'  I said.

'Lately,even when I use my fingers,you don't whimper anymore. It was cute,though. Maybe you've just gotten used to it.' I blushed and my eyes widened.

'Stop saying embarrassing things,you asshole!' He snorted a laugh.

'Next time do you want me to prevent so that you don't come this fast?'

'I'll kill you!' 

'So that's a no then..' I shook my head and slapped his head,making him laugh even harder. So,at the end,the only problem with my relationship with Anthony is..our freaking mismatched sexual roles. It does feel really good. Really,really good. But every time we do those kind of things,I feel like in (some way) I'm losing my freaking manhood. 


'Hey Anthony.' 

'What?' He turned to me,while eating his taco.  

'What are you doing? I mean,I know what you're doing,but  are you done?' 

'I have to edit the bloopers and then I think I'm done. I'm not sure if keeping those scenes or what. I think they're too explicit.' I approached him to look at the scenes he was talking about. 

Let me be the one that shines with you. (Ianthony)Where stories live. Discover now