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Aries: Roman Torchwick

Taurus: Pyrrha Nikos

Gemini: Ruby Rose

Cancer: Wiess Schnee

Leo: Jaune Arc

Virgo: Lie Ren

Libra: Sun Wukong

Scorpio: Blake Belladonna

Sagittarius: Nora Valkyrie

Capricorn: Yang Xiao Long

Aquarius: Neptune Vasilias

Pisces: Penny Polendina



A/N: THIS ONE WAS SOO HARD FOR ME! I love all the characters in this series and ughh I wish I could do them alll. I feel so bad now. Here is another zodiac so I might do one more. Enjoy ~ Haru

P.S. Comment for more anime zodiacs! ~ Haru

💫ANIME ZODIAC💫Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora