Blue Exorcist

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Aries: Rin Okumura

Taurus: Shiro Fujimoto

Gemini: Arthur A. Angel

Cancer: Mephisto Pheles

Leo: Kirigakure Shura

Virgo: Yukio Okumura

Libra: Shima Renzo

Scorpio: Suguro Ryuji

Sagittarius: Shiemi Moriyama

Capricorn: Kamiki Izumo

Aquarius: Konekomaru Miwa

Pisces: Igor Neuhaus



A/N: This one was really hard for me because I've never watched it and sorry if I didn't do something right, but soooo many people requested it. I haven't been able to update because of school just like always. Anyway, I really want to thank everyone for supporting this book and voting for it and actually reading it! You guys are amazing! Also if you haven't checked out my other book please read it. Unless you don't want to. Enjoy! ~ Haru

P.S. Sorry for bad grammar if I do mess up lol

💫ANIME ZODIAC💫Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora