Chapter 1

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At some night club, the entire student body of West Chester high celebrates their school's anniversary and no one other than the bad boy himself, Evan Reece can smash a party.

Evan at a corner smoking his head off. Some girl comes to him whispering something in his ear, making him smile.

His best friend in the crowd of dancing bodies, really drunk and surrounded by girls, immediately diesel sights Evan he yells.

"I'm never going anywhere with you, ever again!". He laughs drunkingly and then falls into the arms of some random girl immediately smiling and kissing her.

Evan smiles but is being distracted by the chick previously leading him away by his collar.

He doesn't know where their going, but goes with it, and before he can ask any questions, their inside the janitors closet and she's pushing herself into him.

He decides to use the opportunity to his advantage and goes with it.

Taking her up in his arms while she wrapped her legs round his waist and pulls on his hair, she lets out a loud moan, making him giggle.

He doesn't even know her name, but he couldn't care less, cause right then, he didn't care about anything.

She keeps on moaning louder but she can't be heard through the loud music filling the club.

Deciding to finally take her in, he goes for it, pinning her to the wall and running wet kisses down her profile, nibbling on every side of her collar bone.

She can hardly breath, but it means nothing to her. Shes finally having her way with Evan Reece, her very own obsession.

Breaking away from her kiss, she takes off his shirt, revealing his huge pacs while he goes ahead taking off all he can, later on re-connecting their lips together and never coming out of that closet.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

As soon as he opens his eyes he gains full consciousness, trying to pull himself up but is held back with a headache.

"Where the hell am I?".

He murmurs under his breath, turning to look around the strange girly room and then landing his eyes on the person sleeping next to him.

He quickly freaks out and then ends up falling over the bed with a loud thud.

" Fuck". He whines

"Evan what's wrong?".

A half sleepy Brooke asks, lifting herself off the bed, covering herself with the sheets and walking over to him.

Worry in her eyes and well desperation.

Quickly standing on his feet, he gives a fake smile and gives a fake laugh, more like an awkward one.

" Are you alright?". She asks, leaning full length to him and feeling his face.

"Sorry umm-". He tries to remember.

" Brooke". She reminds him rolling her eyes and then placing her attention back on him.

"Right, Brooke". He says nervously, getting up and wearing his jeans.

" Sorry I think I'll have to go now". He says putting on his shirt and grabbing his phone, jacket and keys.

Raising to her feet, she holds on to him as soon as he makes his move to leave.

"Wait, it's too soon don't you think?". She questions and he shrugs.

" yeah I know, listen". He says covering his face and then taking them back to his side's.

"Last night, it was great, you were really awesome and we had a lot of fun". He scratches his head " too much fun, but it was a mistake and the night is over so I guess I'll have to get going".

He explains backing away from her, but then he notices a flash of hurt in her eyes, she gives him a little smile .

" Soo..., I was just a one night stand?". She asks with a sad expression, making him look down to his feet.

"I'm sorry. . ., I didn't mean to lead you on".

He says still looking down to his feet. Turning his back on her slowly and heading for the door, then stopping abruptly once he hears the words come out of her mouth.

" you were my first". She says, a tear hidden in her eye.

He doesn't turn to her, but just stands facing the door.

"I was a virgin". She says with a little happy smile on her face, the tears running down now.

Before he could do or say anything, he just leaves through the door, slamming it behind him.

Hope you enjoy the book guys, a little excited about it.

Love, vote and comment.


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