Chapter 5

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The boys made the decision to spend the rest of the day at Evan's.
Getting into the mansion their cars are parked outside in a line. As soon as they step in front door, their greeted by his mother Eva and his little brother who was previously playing Mario cart on the front sofa.

"Honey,do you boys want anything to eat?". Eva asks as Evan strolls over to her placing a kiss on her temples.

" No thanks mum, you do too much, we'll just be in the basement".

The boys entering into the kitchen, Dean smiles once he sees Mrs Reece. "Hey Mrs E, looking younger than ever". He says instantly receiving a smack behind the head.

" what was that for?". He exclaims looking back at Levi, the giver.

"Let's order pizza!". Adam, Evans younger brother yells, eyes still focused on his game.

" sorry lil dude, no can't do". Evan says leading the way for the boys who probably knows the place as much a he does. He leads them through a corner which leads to the basement.

On heading there, the thought of seeing that girl back in school all come back to him.
The way her eyes glittered all of a sudden, her nervousness, her attitude. Her beautiful brown hair that fell just right without even trying, he saw something in her golden eyes.

Don't get him wrong, he didn't like her, no feelings or affections towards her at all, just that she reminded him of someone.

Someone that was his world, he just couldn't get over her, not now, not ever. Ever since the day he let that person slip away.

"Dude, you okay?". He's pushed out of his thoughts by deisel's voice.

Removing his gaze from wherever he was looking at and faces him.

" huh?, what?".

He's just realising their all seated in front of a big screen T

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He's just realising their all seated in front of a big screen T.v, with the words.


Beeping continuously on the screen.

"You lost dude, you never loose a game, what's up?". Levi asks.

Everyone getting his attention.

Running his hands through his hair, he stutters. " uh, n-nothing, I'm just thinking". He says.

"About what?". Cameron asks.

" Forget about it". Evan says, feeling annoyed already.
"Or is it about a who?". Deisel chipes in, making Evan look at him, and Deisel raises a brow, knowing Evan all too well.

" its about no one,forget about it". He demands aggressively, grabbing his gas pad and staring at the screen.

"Its Arabella, isn't it?". Deisel asks.

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