Chapter 1

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Hey yall! Alrighty! So, I am almost done writing this stor yand have enjoyed writing it alot! I have been DYING to get this up for yall. Please let me know what you think:) I appreciate all of your support and thank you all for reading. It means alot! :D

ps. be sure to check out the song. It is my FAVE right now :D



Chapter 1

Ethan felt Madeline moving, but didn’t do anything about it until she tried to push the covers off of her.

“No, stay. It’s the weekend.” He groaned, tightening his grip around her upper abdomen, careful not to pull too tight.

He felt her relax back against his chest as she spoke softly. “Fine.”

He smiled. She always falls for that one. He sighed inwardly. His life was truly amazing.


Although Ethan didn’t fall back asleep, he still was soothed by the thought of having Madeline and their soon to be child in his arms. He felt like the protector of the family now.


He twisted his neck to his right to look at the night stand. It was almost ten o’clock in the morning, so he decided to get up, take a shower, and sneak down stairs before Madeline woke up so he could cook her breakfast.


He ran his hands through his wet hair as he walked slowly down the carpeted stairs and felt a chill go up his back when his feet hit the cold, hard-wood floor at the bottom of the stairs.

As he cooked Madeline and him breakfast, he thought of how in a little over seven months, he would be a Daddy. He couldn’t believe it. God had been so good to them lately.


Although he knew that God had been good to them their entire lives, considering the old saying God is good all the time and all the time God is good, he actually felt it this time.


Him and Madeline had been trying for a child for the past 3 years when they decided it was time to start their family just a few months after they married.

Not conceiving after nearly half a year, Madeline and Ethan began to worry that something was wrong. As much as Ethan had hoped that nothing was, he was proven wrong, and all hope had drained out of him.


His heart nearly burst out of his chest when the Doctor told Madeline she had Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome(PCOS).


Although it had broken Ethan’s heart, it had completely shattered Madeline. Ethan was happy for the forty-two percent chance of ever having children, but Madeline just couldn’t seem to look past the fifty-eight percent of never conceiving.


The saddest part about her condition, to them both, was that the syndrome wasn’t curable. It was only treatable. But Ethan had held onto that cling of hope.


His last hope of ever having children of his own. He knew the sadness PCOS had caused Madeline. He knew it made her feel like “less of a woman” because she couldn’t conceive without treatments.


But, being Madeline, the Bible-thumper, or so he had called her in college when he hadn’t come to personally know the Lord yet, wouldn’t accept the treatments.

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