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I leaned back in my seat, drumming my fingers. "So, Richie." Alec began.


"What's it feel like now that you know that any day now, you're going to be a father?"

"It's fucking nuts." My comment made the guys laugh.

"Did Jennifer tell you what the gender is?"

"Yeah. It's a girl."

"A girl. That'll be different for you. Won't it?"

"A little. Yeah."

"What will the name be?"

"Courtney Rose."

"Who chose the name?"

"Jenn." They laughed. "I like it though."

"It's a pretty name."

"Yeah. It is."

"Who wants to place a bet?" Tico asked. I raised an eyebrow and so did everybody else.

"What's the bet?" Jon asked, interested.

"I bet that Richie's life will be so charmed that he'll only have daughters." I laughed along with everybody else. 

"Oh, I'm sure." I said.

"Boys, we'll be landing in a few minutes." Our manager said, coming back and sitting down with us. 

"Awesome." Jon said, clapping his hands together and rubbing them. When we landed, we spilled into the lobby after retrieving our luggage. I saw my dad, but I didn't see my mom or Jennifer. 

"Hey guys!" My dad said, walking over to us.

"Hey Dad." I gave him a hug.

"Where are Mom and Jenn?"

"I was about to tell you. Jenn's in labor. We need to go."

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