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|| 1:16 a.m. ||

"are you sure we are going the right way?" it was at least the tenth time luke has asked that question, but all these back roads michael was taking him on were making him wonder.

"yes, luke. stop worrying so much," michael tells him.

and luke tries, but he can't really help but be worried. he can't afford to miss this photo shoot he had to do in less than eight hours all because they took a wrong turn or got lost in the middle of nowhere.

luke twist the ring on him thumb repeatedly, trying to calm his nerves, "why are there so many back roads?"

michael shrugs, "I took a little detour."

luke throws his head back, his body tensing as he lets his eyes close, running his hands down his face, "we don't have time to take a little detour. I have to be in san francisco by morning."

"I know you do, and I promise I will get you there," michael assures, trying his very best to stop luke from worrying and to let go a little and enjoy this time.

luke takes a deep breath, doing his best to trust that michael will get him there on time. michael has been here much longer than he has, so he was hoping the boy knew where he was going and what he was doing.

it stays quiet between the two for awhile. luke admires the stars in the sky and the moon the shone brightly. he remembers michael saying that his favorite blue is the color of a night sky and he can see why it is.

"michael," luke says, something catching his eye, "that sign just said no trespassing."

"I can read," michael says like its no big deal that he just entered somewhere he wasn't suppose to.

luke raises his eyebrow, "well then you should know that you shouldn't be driving this way."

"dude, calm down. I know what I'm doing."

"first of all, I'm not your dude, and I don't care if you know what you're doing, all I want to do is get to san francisco. I never should have agreed to let you take me," luke says a bit to harshly, squeezing his hands into fist tightly as his fingernails begin to dig into his palms.

michael's car comes to a stop and luke doesn't even realize the view in front of him from being so frustrated.

michael turns his body so he is compelled facing luke, "I'm trying to show you a good time. we have plenty of time left, so why not use it to to have some fun and make it a night you won't forget?"

luke shrugs. he was use to being told to let loose, have a little fun. he could never comprehend how some people didn't understand that he wasn't one of the exciting, exhilarating people in the world. he was just luke who kept to himself most of the time.

"come on," michael exits the car, expecting luke to follow, which eventually, he does.

luke follows michael's actions, sitting on the hood of the car and laying on his back next to the boy he just met. he looks up at the sky and he has to admit; it's wonderful, and magnificent to look at. across from him were many city buildings lighting up the night.

"I didn't mean to snap on you back there like that," luke finally speaks up, his eyes staying focused on the stars.

"it's okay, I know you didn't."

luke tightly smiles, adjusting his body so he was more comfortable, "this job, photography, it doesn't pay very much when you're first starting out. I can't afford to miss any shoots."

"I understand, I was the same way when I first moved here. it's hard, starting a life on your own, but it gets easier. it gets better," michael spoke in a soft voice that luke loved. it made him truly believe that things will get easier.

"thank you," luke whispers, turning his head to face michael, "for everything you've done so far."

michael looks at luke, only to see his eyes looking back. the stars and the moon illuminated his face perfectly, showing off his features. luke was a truthfully beautiful human who made michael's heart pound heavily against his chest.

"of course," michael's lips spread upwards into a smile, "I couldn't leave you stranded and have you miss your shoot."

luke chuckles, and for a moment, they forget about all the bad in the world. everything that a lever happened to them was forgotten as they laid there, enjoying the short amount of time they had left together.

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