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|| 2:47 a.m. ||

the parking lot is completely empty, besides michael's car, as the two boys exit where they just ate. it's understandable for this time of night.

luke's eyes feel heavy. all the alcohol that was in his body has worn off. he now feels exhausted as he wonders how his legs are still holding him up and functioning.

"you look awful," michael informs, a slight laugh falling past his lips.

it was true, and even luke knew it. the blonde locks on his head that were once neatly placed are now messily tangled and flat against his forehead. his shoulders are hunched as he walked and feet dragging on the ground.

"you really know how to flatter someone, don't you?"

michael now breaks out into a fit of laughter. it's quite loud, seeing as they are the only two people around with no other noises to be heard. it's a warm and subtle laugh that luke enjoys hearing.

as michael's laugh simmers down, he notices something, "hey, didn't you say you wanted a tattoo?"

luke's eyebrows furrow together as his face scrunches up, "I definitely did not say that."

"well I want another one, and there is a place open right over there," luke's eyes follow to where michael is pointing to which is a place right next to them.

"why is there a tattoo parlor open at this time of night?" luke questions, trying to catch up with michael who is already beginning to walk towards it.

"dude, it's california."

luke staggers closely behind michael as they enter the tattoo parlor. luke has never been in one before, which is why he was surprised to see how clean and well organized it was. in his head, he always thought places like this would be intimidating, but this wasn't nearly what he has imagined.

the duo waits for someone to approach them at the front counter. it's a women, who soon comes up. she's short, tattoos covering her arms and piercings scattering everywhere.

"what can I do for you two?" her voice is small and welcoming, not matching her appearance at all.

"I want a tattoo," michael says before he points to the side of his wrist, "right here."

"any idea of what you want?"

"yeah, I know exactly what I want," michael turns to look at luke, "are you sure you don't want one?"

luke nods, "I don't like the idea of a needle touching me."

michael doesn't want to pressure luke into anything he doesn't want to do, "okay, I guess I'll see you when I'm done then."

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