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|| 2:19 a.m. ||

luke doesn't know why or how he let this happen to himself. he couldn't figure out how one minute he went from being thirsty, then suddenly drunk in michael's passenger seat in the blink of an eye.

luke didn't want to take it this far. he wanted to be more relaxed, more awake. he had no idea he was such a lightweight.

"I'm hungry," luke whines, his face scrunching up as his stomach growls.

"we can stop and get food, if you would like," michael offers, finding it hilarious how luke is in a consolatory different state of mind all from a few sips of vodka they found in michael's trunk. 

luke mumbles out a few words that michael didn't catch. luke has his eyes closed, head leaning against the window. his hair runs wild in all different directions, but michael thinks it makes him look even more attractive than he already is.

"I'll stop when I see that somewhere is open," michael informs, not positively sure that luke even comprehended what the black haired boy just said.

luke forces himself to nod, his head hurting quite a bit. he turns his head so now he was looking towards michael. even in his state of mind, he still found the boy incredibly memorizing. his nose, his lips, his eyes. it was all beautiful, every inch of it.

"you're really amazing, mikey," luke compliments, but michael isn't sure how to take it with the blonde being a bit tipsy, "and I think you're really pretty."

michael playfully rolls his eyes. being called pretty by someone like luke was the biggest compliment michael has had since he moved here. although luke was drinking, michael was going to pretend he meant it and that he was sober when he said it.

"thanks, luke," michael says, the corner of his lips pulling up into a smile.

"do you think I'm pretty?" luke questions, his eyes wide as they are glued on michael.

michael bites down on his bottom lip, "of course, I'm sure a lot of people think you're pretty."

"people seem to like me for the way I look. I want someone who wants to know me. someone who takes their time to find out who I am."

and michael can relate to that, "I'm sure you can find someone like that."

luke inhales slowly, enjoy the scent of the fresh air blowing into the car from the windows rolled down. he has never felt such a rush in one night before, but being here with michael was certainly the cause for it.

"do you ever wonder is the person you're going to spend the rest of your life with is close by?" luke sloppily tucks his legs under himself the best he could with the seatbelt restraining him.

michael shakes his head, "I don't think about my future to often. certainly not who I'm going to be spending the rest of my life with. that's a long time to be with only one person."

"but if you love them it doesn't feel like any amount of time is enough."

michael never thought luke would be such a hopeless romantic while drunk. he finds it quite hard to believe that two people could be together for so long, especially after seeing how his parents ended up. he always was one to assume he would get bored after being with the same person after so much time, even if he never actually had a serious relationship.

michael ends up not saying another word. not because he doesn't want to, but because he is at a loss for them.

he has learned that not everything in life is long lasting, and it took him awhile to be okay with that.

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