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Jack's POV :

Day after day , I do crazy shits that my siblings was , I was getting sick of it , it's only a week but it feels like a decade, how would I just get out of this mess ! I don't even have friends to talk to , I'm just by myself getting orders from my siblings. I wanted it to end , but not to end as my mum knows about it and kick me out.

I wanted to have a job even if it's for just a little while , I went online and looked for jobs I found a job on YouTube , I started making videos , I can get paid weekly which is amazing for me so I can be ready to anything that faces me , my job is amazing not as big YouTubers but it was great for me , it was nice and easy and I got paid for it.

Weeks went by , I was still get abused by my siblings , but I was getting money so I was okay with my life , or I just think I am, it'll be okay if I just didn't worry too much that they might tell my mum , and I'll just have no one to comfort me for that , all thoughts of loneliness come through my mind everytime I remember, it's just scary and it hurts.

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