Chapter 2: Lunch With The Enemy?!?

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Orange POV

I woke up the next day. I looked at the time and saw that it was 12pm. "I overslept!" I yelled and quickly got out of bed. I didn't have time to eat. I got on my equipment and grabbed my Splattershot and headed out the door as fast as I could. I headed to the lobby but saw the match had already started. It was a rematch against the Blue team. I sighed and headed outside and sat down on a bench in the Plaza. The Blue inkling from the match yesterday walked over to me and sat down next to me. "Shouldn't you be in the match?" I asked him. "Shouldn't you?" He asks me. "Well I overslept and missed the match." I say. He chuckled. "Me too. I slept in and didn't even know my team wanted a rematch. I'm not gonna hear the end of it from Sea." He says. I chuckled a bit. "Tiger won''t be happy with me. I never miss a game." I say. "How is he so calm doesn't he care about Turf War or the wins and losses?" I thought. "Really? Never miss a game?" He says and looked at me. "Yeah. Don't you care about helping your team?" I say, looking at him. "Well yeah but why attend every game?" He says. "Well it's fun to feel the adrenaline rushing through your blood and feeling the excitement when getting a win or kill." I say, happily. He chuckled. "I guess. Say wanna get some food with me? I'm famished." He says. "He's asking me to get lunch with him when we are enemies? Is he an idiot or something?" I thought. "I can't we are from different teams and if my team finds out I'll be kicked off for sure." I say and got up from the bench. "You worry to much. Come on, It's just lunch, I'm not asking you out on a date just a friendly get together." He says and got up from the bench. "Fine, follow me." I say and headed toward the apartments. He followed me.

Blue POV

"This girl worries way to much. She should learn to take risks and to have fun." I thought while following her. "Can I drop my weapon off at my apartment first?" I asked her. "Sure. I need to drop mine off as well." She says. We headed to the apartment complex, I headed to my apartment and she headed to hers. I came out and waited for her. She came over to me, she was dressed more casual. "I guess she has a certain set for Turf War. She is so strict and organised." I thought. "Ready?" I asked her. "Yeah. How about we get take out?" She says. "Ok." I say. We headed to a Chinese place. (I wasn't sure what for them to get food from so I just went with Chinese) "I'll get the food. You wait out here." I say and headed in. She waited outside. There was a long line. I groaned at the sight of the line. 10 minutes have passed and I could finally order. I wasn't sure what she liked so I went with what most would like for her. I headed out and carried the food. I handed her her food and we started walking to an area that not many squids went to. We sat down in a hidden spot and started to eat. "So what's your name?" I asked her. "My name is Orange. What's your name?" She replied. "My name is Blue." I say, smiling. She smiled and we ate our food. "Thanks for getting me lunch, I didn't even tell you my favorite and you were able to get it." She says. "No problem, It was just a lucky guess." I say, chuckling. We finished eating and it had gotten late. We headed back to the apartments. She headed home and I headed to my apartment.

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