Chapter 12: I Hate Long Good-Byes...

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This time I didn't wake Elizabeth. She woke me... with a cup of water...

''Wha-! Who?! I'm awake, Grandfather! Oh...'' I woke to being soaking wet and seeing Elizabeth laughing at me.

''Sorry. I couldn't help it!'' Even Zelda laughed. I cracked a smile.

'' I'll get you back!'' I told her. I changed my clothes, we ate breakfast, and set out.

''This should be our last day. We should get there by early evening.''

We walked on. The trees slowly thinned. It was replaced by grassland. The three of us talked and talked. There was no care in the world. Finally we made it to the top of a hill on the edge of the town.

''Now you two shall find the home of the Oracle, and ask him what your path is. Do not ask too much, or he may reveal something you do not wish to hear. Such is the way of the Oracle, a strange man he is.''

''What do you mean by ''you two''?'' Zelda sighed.

''Now dear, I must make my leave. I must not venture to deep into the land of the enemy, or I may attract attention, and doom your mission.'' I almost cried.

''I just lost my grandfather, I can't lose you too!''

''Please don't leave us, Zelda,'' spoke Elizabeth.

''Do not worry, children! I am with you inside. I am in your hearts, your minds, your dreams.'' I wondered why she said dreams.

''And if you ever need me, I'll be there. Just summon me. If you are in need of help I will come, as I did for your grandfather.''

''Please don't be late.'' We laughed.

''I have a feeling that we will meet again. Perhaps when this is all over, perhaps sooner.''

''Group hug!'' Said Elizabeth, and we hugged Zelda.

''I'll miss you two, but don't worry.'' I nodded. Zelda rushed us off.

''Oh, I hate long good-byes,'' She said. She waved, and we left. I thought I heard her say something as we walked away. Something like, ''I'm not too fond of the Oracle as it is.'' That didn't sound too promising. We walked away and she got farther and farther away. Then she disappeared in a flash of light.

So, did you like Zelda? I am sad to make her leave, but Nicholas and Elizabeth must do this on their own. I mean, where would the fun be if they didn't?! :P Updates will slow down for a while now. School is starting in two days, so I'll be very busy! You should get a couple a week, and any others will be a present from me! :) So, do you think that Zelda will return? Will it be now, or in a future book? Come on, guys! I need you comments! So comment on! And read on! And anything else you feel like doing on!

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