Chapter 35: The Last Council

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I stumble out of the darkness, as I slowly open my eyes. I've got a killer headache. Did I get whacked in the head? I look around.

I'm in a prison room. Where though? Did Zirkon get me? And where is Elizabeth? I see a man standing guard next to the bar.

I raise my hand, and focus. I make the lock explode, and the door swings open. Immediately, I jump out, and grab the man. I cover his mouth, so he can't call back-up.

''You're going to answer my questions,'' I whisper to him. ''And you better not call for help.''

He nods quickly.

''First. Who are you?''

''I should be asking the same question.''

I throw him into the wall, and pull out my sword. Brilliant, they didn't even think of removing my weapons.

''I'm asking the questions! Who are you?'' I repeat a little too loudly. A man walks donwn one of the halls.

''The prisoner is escaping!'' He yells. There goes my plans for a brilliant escape... I spin around, and hit him with a shot of magic. It hits him square in the chest, and he stops yelling, falling to the ground.

But it's too late. Guards flood into the room. I grab one, and throw him into a wall, knocking down the man I was questioning. I kick the legs out of two, and spin around, decking another. But there's too many.

I wave my arms, creating a shockwave of energy. I need to get out. It sends flying all in front of me, but from behind, one hits me in the back. I stumble down. Before I can stand up, my legs are kicked out, and two of the men grab my arms.

''Now what's your name, boy?''

''Nicholas. Nicholas Drake.''

Immediately the man drops me.

''Nicholas Drake?''

I nod, puzzled. Whispers ripple through the group.

''Oh, Master Drake, our most humblest apologies... We are the Zarians.'' I'm confused.

''You carry the great name of Drake. The Hero of old was Drake. The boy who stood against Zirkon is Drake. Could you be boy? Our last shining hope? One of the last few brave enough to stand against the Dark Lord Zirkon?''

''I am nothing as to what you think of me as, but I will stop Zirkon.''

''Then you must be him. The son of the Hero of Old.'' He bows. Slowly, the rest do the same. Okay, this is getting weird.

''I'd like to meet your leader, if you truly are the Zarians.'' This better not be some trick. I need to speak to a leader, I need to figure out what's going on.

''Of course, Master Drake.'' The guards give their apologies, and leave off one by one. I wonder what I did that was so special. The first guard guides me through a winding maze of tunnels. I decide not to make small talk. I want a leader. Finally, we stop a two large wooden doors.

''The chambers of the Last Council, Master Drake,'' he slips open the door, apologizes again, and disappears, probably back to the prison cells.

I walk into the large hall, and take a good look around. There is a large tabe, with many people seated at it, all in bright blue robes. I see an old man, with a long beard seated at the head of the table. Next to him stands Elizabeth. I calm down a little. If she trusts them I do too.

''Ah, Nicholas Drake! We have been expecting you!'' Speaks whom I assume to be the leader.

''That's why you whacked me, and threw me in prison,'' I mutter.

''Our most sincere apologies. The guards have to be extremely careful, and they assumed you were one of Zirkon's men.'' He slightly bows.

''Enough of the bowing, and calling me Master Drake. It's Nicholas, or nothing.''

''Of course, Nicholas. Stories have spread far and wide of your adventures. We know who you are. Elizabeth filled us in on quite a bit, and we do have an informant. You are the only one brave enough to stand against Zirkon. You are destined for greatness, to stop Zirkon, to lead these people.''

''I'm not a leader. I am a fighter.''

''And you shall fight, against Zirkon. You will free the people. They need a leader. They are a broken people. Zirkon destroyed us. Everybody knows of you. To them, you represent hope, you represent freedom.''

''What happened to Zaria?'' I'm afraid I know...

''Zirkon returned. He killed the King. He declared himself Emperor of Altaria, and sent his soldiers through the city. They killed many of our people. Few managed to escape to the underground tunnels, where we now are. We organized the Last Council, of which we in this room are part of. We've been waiting for you. Your friend, Zelda came, and told us of you. Since then, the people have been brighter. Happier. You are their last hope. Only you can stop Zirkon. You must unite the people, and stop him, before it's too late.''

''I am not a great hero, like you think I am. But if it means stopping Zirkon, I will help you.''

''What we are asking, as the Council, and as a people, we would like you to lead these people. Not a ruler, of course, but a general, if you would prefer.''

''A general? I could be a general, if you would like.''

''Splendid!'' I see the faces of eeryone in the room brighten up slightly. How can it be? Am I truly a sign of hope to these people?

''Nicholas, you do not understand what this will mean to the people. We shall organize an assembly tomorrow. You shall speak to them. You mean a lot to them, even if they do not know you. You are their hope.''

''I am honoured that you think so highly of me, though I do not understand how.''

''United, with you as their general, they shall gain hope, and they will rise against Zirkon, and stop him.''

''I'm not sure what to say...''

''Then don't say anything,'' says Elizabeth, as she walks up to me and wraps me in a hug.

''Indeed! Do not fret, Nicholas. You must be tired. Tonight, you relax, and sleep. Tomorrow we talk to the Zarians. And then, we plan.''

''That sounds like a plan to me!'' I yawn, and turn around. Before I can say good day and walk out the door, somebody walks in.

''You have a guest, sir,'' says the child.

''Send them in,'' replies the Council leader.

A man walks in. A man with a long white beard. He is clothed entirely in white. He looks at me, and smiles.

''Hello, boy.''

Standing in front of me is James, one of the men responsible for the death of my grandfather...

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