Chapter 38: Take Back The Night

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''You did good, Nicholas,'' Elizabeth says to me, as I get what little stuff I have together.

We're back in the bedroom. I throw the white clothing in the corner, but not before taking Elizabeth's knife, and sticking it back in my normal wear.

''I hope so...''

''Oh, I liked when you tore your clothes off.''

I can't help but burst out laughing. Goddess, that... Way to brighten up a fairly dark situation! Finally, I manage to catch my breath again.

''Good one.''

''What? I wasn't joking.''

This time, even she fails at hiding a grin.

''Are you... Y'know, nervous?'' She asks.

''Me? Never. Not nervous is my middle name. Nicholas ''Not Nervous'' Drake. Nothing scares me!''

''Nothing except for everything?''


She begins folding the blankets on our beds.

''Thanks for, trying lighten up the mood,'' she says.

''You don't have to fold those, you know. I mean, if we succeed, we won't be coming back here, and if we fail? Well, we won't be coming back here...''

''Brightened mood crushed...''

''Hey, it's true! We won't be coming back, either way.''

''Well, fine then!'' She tosses the blankets on the bed. ''Are you ready?''

''Ready when you are.''

''Then let's go destroy some evil!''

We get back to the large hall, where Christopher told the people to return when they were all prepared. I see him, looking over our makeshift army. He approaches us.

''It's not a perfect battle force, but it's the best we've got.''

I look them over. I see people with no armour, some with leather pads, some even with metal chestplates, surprisingly. There's swords, brooms, planks, even, as I suggested before, pots. Everybody looks different, but there's one thing similar to them all. They all have determined looks on their faces. Sure, some are nervous, but all are not shrouded in sadness, as before. Is it possible? Do they truly have hope?

There's even children. Teenagers. It looks like they've got every single person in the tunnels here right now. Some pat me on the back. Others want to shake my hand. Young children push through their parents' legs, yearning to see me. Maybe I somehow do represent hope to these people...

''I don't want to lead these people to death,'' I whisper to Christopher.

''If they stay here, their fate is certain. Here, we will all die. You are the most powerful thing we have. Not physically, perhaps. Not through magic. But you give them something they have done without for weeks. You give them hope. And with hope, comes determination. With determination, comes change.''

Elizabeth and I jump back up onto the stage. I decide to say one thing before we set out.

''Tonight! Tonight there will be change! Tonight, we gain back what is yours! Tonight, we see what side truly triumphs over the other! The Goddess will be with us, and together, we will bring Zirkon's reign to a short-lived end!''

''Now let's do this!'' Exclaims Elizabeth, always ready to get going.

We march out, quickly but quietly. Christopher attempts to organize people in an orderly fashion. He's decided to come with us. He wants to contribute to the cause. We file out through one of the secret exits on the edge of town. Marching through the streets, approaching Castle Zaria, closer and closer.

I'm surprised that we haven't been attacked. Is this a trap? Does Zirkon know were coming? Probably...

''Why haven't we been attacked?'' Elizabeth asks me.

''I don't know... It's bothering me.''

''Also, do you notice? How quiet it is? I mean, I can get being quiet, with the mood, and us marching to what will probably kill us, but I mean everywhere. It's too... peaceful.''

I nod. I'm afraid thag even making a sound will reveal us, and the city will explode with the enemy. I raise my hand, signalling silence.

We continue to march, in complete silence, the sounds of our feet crunching on the dirt the only sound in the world. Finally, we reach the bridge of the castle entrance. Where are the enemies? I'm just waiting for all hell to break loose, but there's nothing. I look around warily, and signal for us to proceed. We reach the courtyard, and finally I see life. Two gaurds patrolling the castle doors. They look, I don't know, drunk perhaps. They're certainly not all there. We approach without notice.

Elizabeth and I step ahead, and I sneak behind one man's back. I grab him, wave my hand over his face, and he collapses to the ground. The other regains alertness, and spins around, pulling out a sword. I pull out mine, and lunge at him. There goes my plans of a silent entrance. I screwed up.

I manage to stab him, but not before he grabs a horn, and blows it. The sound echoes through the courtyard, up the towers of the castle, around the castle walls. Not a single sould could have not heard it. And then all hell breaks loose.

The doors to the casle burst open, soldiers pouring out. Skeletal hands burst out from the ground, with bodies climbing out after them. Screams and shouts ring through the air. I spin around, full circle. Yeah, we are s screwed.

And then somebody yells out that classic line:

''It's a trap!''

And the world collapses into chaos, the Battle of Zaria begins...

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