Chapter 37: The Gathering

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Christopher leads us one room. With two beds. What's the point of getting one room, with two beds? Obviously, the guy didn't catch on.

I know I'm not going to sleep tonight. I don't even bother. I'm in Zirkon's realm now. I can't imagine what my dreams... Nightmares, I mean, would be riddled with while I sleep.

So I lie in my bed, staring at the ceiling. What am I going to say tomorrow? How will I show them that I'm a leader? Am I even a leader at all?

''Nicholas?'' It's relaxing to hear Elizabeth's voice.


''Are you awake?''

''Am I talking?''

I hear her chuckle. It's dark, but I feel her climb into my bed. She wraps her arm around me, and all the stress flies out of my body. My mind switches to Elizabeth mode.

''Don't worry about tomorrow, okay? It'll be fine! You're a good person, Nicholas, and a good leader, I'm sure.''

''I'm not as confident in myself as you.''

''It'll be okay, trust me. I'll be there, next to you, the whole time.''

''Then I'll be fine. Thanks, Elizabeth, but there's still no way in the name of the Goddess, am I going to sleep here. Not while I know Zirkon is so close.''

''We'll see. When was the last time you've slept in a bed?'' She yawns.

''A couple months. You?''

''Years. Not since I lived with Zelda...''

''Zelda. I wonder what she's doing?''

Elizabeth's hold on me grows weaker.


Nope, she's asleep. I sigh, and place a kiss on her forehead.

''Good night, darling...''

Perhaps I was wrong, I realize, as I hold Elizabeth close to me. Perhaps... I will be able... To sleep...


I feel sunlight on my skin, as I open my eyes. Wait, sunlight? How? I look up to the ceiling. There's no window. I smile. I'm not even going to question it, I've seen quite a few crazy things over the last few months. Elizabeth isn't in the room. Probably off helping somebody. Did I sleep in that late?

I notice a set of clothes at the end of my bed. They're not mine. I comb through them. Tight, white pants, a white tunic, and white gloves with golden lines sewn through. I put on the pants, and tunic over the chain mail given to me by Elizabeth. I slip on my boots, and toss away the white gloves. Instead, I put on the pair Elizabeth gave me. There's a pair of goggles. Why? I slip them on. Well, I feel pretty cool with them!

I slip Elizabeth's knife into one of the many inner pockets in the tunic. I grab my sword and seath, and slip it over my back. Time to do this... I take a deep breath. It's now or never.

I walk through a set of tunnels, hoping to find somebody familiar. There's sunlight here, too. Must be some sort of weird magic. I get lost in the maze of tunnels, turn-offs, halls, and corridors. Those who see me stare at me in awe. I don't like it. I'm not a huge fan of attention. I'd prefer just to hang around and do my thing, but it sure looks like that ain't gonna happen.

Finally, I run into who I want to see. Like, literally run into. We both tumble to the ground.

''Watch where your going, Nicholas!''

There goes the nice, lovey Elizabeth from last night. She's back to the feisty, snappy Elizabeth I love.

She's wearing a similar outfit to mine. Except it's... I don't know, more of a girl version. I wish I were wearing my own clothes.

I take her hand, and pull her up.

''Sorry, Elizabeth.''

''I see you slept well,'' she nudges me. ''C'mon, we better hurry. This way.''

She pulls me through another series of tunnels. It's all the same to me. I have no clue how she knows where we're going.

Finally, we come to a large hall, and the noise level increases. I look around, and see it filled with people. I think for a second that not many people must have gotten killed in Zirkon's attack, then I realize how large the city is, and how many people must have filled it before.

Christopher approaches us, and puts his hands on our shoulders.

''Just be yourself, guys. Don't worry about anything. Word of your journies is enough already. This is just preparation.''

The old man is relying heavily on his staff, I realize. This all must be weighing heavily on him. He walks over to the center of stage, and raises his arms.

''SILENCE!'' His voice booms through the room, echoing this way and that. It'll be a miracle if Zirkon didn't hear that from Castle Zaria.

It quiets slightly, but the room is still filled with chatter. I get an idea.

I draw my sword, summon a blast of magic, and shoot it at a nearby wall. The sounds is louder than Christopher's voice. All heads in the room turn to me. I wave slightly, and sheath my sword.

''Hey, uh, hi there. Yeah, hey...''

I walk to the center of the stage. All eyes follow me, I don't like the attention, but I'll deal with it.

''I'm Nicholas. Nicholas Drake, and this is my friend, Elizabeth Storm.''

Cheers follow our names. How does word spread so quickly?

''We're here, well, because... Because we want to stop Zirkon!''

More cheers. I'm starting to feel a little bit more comfortable. I stare at my clothes... Be myself... Be myself...

I take the white tunic in my hand, with its fancy gold stitch, and tear it off, revealing my regular old travelling clothes, of brown and green. Elizabeth, seeing what I've done, catches on, and tears off her clothing. Surprisingly, she's wearing her regular clothes as well.

''I was told to be me, so here is me!''

I motion towards myself and Elizabeth.

''So, I'm going to be a general of sorts, if that's what you want. Everybody good with that?''

The mood in the hall turns brighter, and I smile a bit.

''I was thrown into this without no clue what I was getting into. We were attacked, my grandfather and I. We ventured off into the forest, met up with the always wonderful Elizabeth here.''

I hear a whistle, and shoot the source a sharp glance. No whistling at her.

''Then we made our way to the Tower of Time. Fought with Zirkon, in which my grandfather was killed, and Zirkon escaped. Elizabeth and I made our way through mountains, caves, and forest, and somehow, we made it. Am I a hero? No clue. I guess we'll find out, eh?''

''Anyway, I was doing some thinking last night, and I've got a plan. We need an army. All of us. Together, we stand a chance against Zirkon, united shall stand, and may the Goddess grant favour on our side. Under the cover of nightfall, we will infiltrate Castle Zaria. We sneak in, create as little noise as possible, and together, we end Zirkon's reign of terror. Any questions?''

A man, fairly old, puts up his hand.


''Well, how are we an army, Master Drake?''

''First, don't call me Master Drake. Just Nicholas, please. Second, you all have the day to prepare yourselves. Gather anything you have, anything that could help you. Old swords, armour, pots? Anything. Ready your families, take care of your children, do what you must. Tonight we strike, tonight we rise against the Zirkon on his men, tonight he take back Zaria, tonight, we end the Age of Darkness!''

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