Chapter 13 ♡

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Chapter 13 ♡

Desire ♡

I woke up to a loud shrieking screams.

I nearly jumped out of the bed when I heard it repeat over and over.

"Sirus..." I called out scared of what's causing the noise.

I quickly got out of the bed and began to follow the sound.

I have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I followed the noise all the way downstairs and I hid behind the wall that's near the door before peeking out to see Sirus's step-dad repeatedly hitting him with a belt.

He's hitting him so fast that you can literally hear the belt whip through the air. There are also little swelling marks on Sirus's back.

"You're getting exactly what you deserve." His step-dad said through gritted teeth.

I had to cover my mouth to keep myself from screaming.

I just can't stand here though. I have to do something about it.

I moved myself so I wasn't behind the wall no more hiding.

"Stop it, now!" I yelled out walking closer to where he was hitting Sirus at.

His step-dad instantly stopping hitting Sirus to turn and look back at me.

"Who the hell are you?" He asked with the meanest look on his face.

I just ignored him completely.

"Why are you hitting him? What is wrong with you?" I questioned him.

He scrunched up his face.

"Get the hell out of my house bitch!" He snapped beginning to walk towards me.

Uh Oh.

"No, you think you can just put your hands on everyone don't you?" I asked him before letting out a chuckle.

"This has nothing to do with you so mind your damn business before you end up hurt like your little boyfriend over there." He said letting out a annoying laugh.

I rolled my eyes.

By now he's almost standing right in front of me.

"You need to keep your hands off of people. You can't just be taking your anger out on someone who has did nothing to you!" I snapped backing up a little.

"Didn't I say mind your own business?" He questioned before whipping the belt towards me but I dodged it.

I heard a loud cracking sound before I seen the step-dad falling to the ground.

Behind him Sirus stood with a bat in his hand.

Sirus almost fell over but I quickly caught him in my arms.

"Oh Sirus." I stated leaning him on my shoulder and helping him walk to the couch.

I made sure to lay him on his chest so I wouldn't cause his back to be in even more pain.

Sirus let out low groans once I laid him flat on the couch.

I lifted his shirt up so I could see the marks on his back clearly since his shirt was already ripped.

"Oh my.." I said as I looked at the scars on his back.

I don't know whether I should leave it like this or try to get something for it. I don't want to hurt him more.

"I'm gonna go get something for this." I said quickly before getting up and going upstairs.

The first place I went to try to find something for his back is the bathroom. Maybe they have a cabinet or something where they keep all of their medical stuff.

The first thing I found was some alcohol and some gauze. After I found that I quickly ran back downstairs to him.

"Okay, I found something, this is gonna hurt though." I said gently touching Sirus's hand which he squeezed mine a little.

I gave him a soft smile before putting the alcohol on his back.

He let out a yelping noise because of the alcohol stinging his scars.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled as I wiped his back up a little and then put the gauze onto his back.

After I was done I gently placed small kisses over his scars.

"That should help." I stated.

He tried to get up but I helped him by helping him sit up on the couch.

"We need to leave before he wakes up." Sirus stated.

I shook my head. "Where are we gonna go?" I asked him.

He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. I just don't wanna be here." He replied back to me.

I nodded my head in agreement.

"I think I might know where we can stay but that's only if she'll let us." I mentioned to Sirus.

"Call her." He said making me nod my head.

I got up and went to find my phone.

When I found my phone I quickly dialed her number and waited for her to pick up.

"Come on..." I said lowly tapping my legs.

After a couple of seconds her voice ranged through the phone.


"Thank you so much for letting us stay here. I really owe you one." I said hugging Mya.

"It's cool girl, you know I'll always have your back." She stated helping me get Sirus into the house.

I explained everything to her already so she knows what happened.

We walked Sirus all the way to her guest bedroom and we laid him onto the bed.

"Yeah, thank you, Mya." Sirus said sending her a faint smile.

"It's no problem. Stay as long as y'all want to. My mom is cool with it." She stated making us nod our head.

"I'm gonna give you two some time alone." She added before leaving the room.

I sat next to Sirus as I watched him close his eyes slowly.

"You're gonna be fine now." I said grabbing his hand and holding it.

"Yeah, that's until he finds me again." Sirus replied back.

I shook my head, "he's not gonna find you."

"I should've been told my mom about this. He almost did it to you. I couldn't let him." Sirus stated making me nod my head.

"Where is your mom?" I asked him.

"She's at work. She's a nurse so she works all the time. Usually I'm home alone that's why we rarely see her." He explained to me.

I nodded my head and pulled out my phone.

"Call her now." I demanded handing him the phone.

He sighed.

"I doubt she'll believe me but I will."
Sirus's step-dad in mm. 😊

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