Chapter 29♡

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Chapter 29♡


I knocked on Mila's door three times before she finally answered.

She opened the door wearing this sheer night gown. It's so sheer you can almost see her breast through them.

I kept my eyes on hers.

"Sirus! I'm sorry, I forgot all about you coming here." She stated putting her arms over her chest.

I just shrugged it off.

"It's alright, I could come back a different day if you want me to." I said to her.

She shook her head quickly.

"No, come in." She said grabbing my hand and pulling me into her house.

After closing and locking the door she led me upstairs to her bedroom.

"Make yourself comfortable." She stated before going into a different room.

I just sat in a chair that's across from her bed.

I waited for about a minute or two before she came back into the room with a robe on.

I'm starting to feel like coming to her house was a bad idea.

"It's so good to see you, I feel like I haven't been around you in forever." She stated as she started walking over to me.

I nodded my head in agreement. "I know and I'm sorry. About a month and a half ago I got kicked out of my mom's house so I've been trying to survive on my own." I told her honestly.

It has always been this way between Mila and I. I use to always tell her my deepest secrets without worrying about her telling someone else.

"Awww, I'm so sorry, why did you get kicked out?" She questioned.

"My mom's boyfriend was putting his hands on me. I finally had enough courage to tell my mom and she didn't believe me so I had to leave. She chose her boyfriend over me." I explained to Mila.

She nodded her head with this upset look on her face.

She came over to me and sat down on my lap.

"That must've been terrible. I couldn't imagine going through what you have been through." She whispered putting her hand on the back of my head.

I'm pretty sure Desire wouldn't like this...

"Ummm Mila, I have a girlfriend.." I told her.

"So? I've known you longer..don't you think I deserve something special." She mumbled before leaning forward and kissing me on the lips.

I pushed her back so hard she fell onto the floor.

"Mila, I'm leaving." I told her as I jumped up from the chair.

She just remained with this shocked look on her face.

"You fucking punk. I should've known you wouldn't be able to handle all this." She stated as I ran out of her room.

What happened to Mila? This isn't the same girl I use to be friends with.

Once I ran out of her house I didn't look back at all.


Desire ♡

When I heard Sirus come in I pretended to be sleep.

I'm so mad he blew me off to hang out with someone else.

I've grown so attached to him that I want to be with him all the time. I know that seems a little clingy but he's all I have and I just want him to myself.

I heard him move around the bedroom quick like he's hyped up about something.

I started lifted my head up to see him standing with his back turned towards me.

"Sirus." I said lowly making him jump.

"Yeah baby?" He questioned with a guilty look on his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked him squinting my eyes at him.

"Um...if I tell you, you have to promise not to get mad." He stated coming over to me and sitting on the bed beside me.

"What is it?" I asked with concern.

"It's nothing like's just that someone else kissed me." He told me making my eyes widen.

"Who kissed you?" I questioned him ready to get out of the bed.

"M--" He was about to say.

"Was it that girl I seen you with earlier? Oh hell no. I don't know who she think she is thinking she can put her lips on you." I snapped getting out of the bed and going to get some regular clothes on.

"Wait it's not all her fault. I kind of led her on I guess.." He said making me stop to turn and look at him.

"What do you mean you led her on?" I asked him.

"I let her sit on my lap an--" He was about to say but I cut him off again.

"Wow so you let her get close enough to kiss you." I said lowly.

"Yeah but I'm sorry. I didn't know she was gonna kiss me. She's one of my old bestfriends and I hadn't seen her in a while so I decided to go over to her place." He explained to me.

"So you blew me off for her?" I asked him.

"Not necessarily." He lied making me shake my head.

"You know what good night." I said before getting back into bed.

I turned off the lamp next to my side of the bed and wrapped the covers around me so I wouldn't be able to see Sirus.

"Come on, Desire, don't be like this.." Sirus said as he wrapped his arms around me.

"No, go sleep beside your bestfriend." I replied back to him.

He sighed.

I heard him get up and leave.

I thought he was gone for good but now even five minutes later he came back and got back into bed.

He wrapped his arms around me and laid his head on my back.

"I love you, Desire." He mumbled against my back.

I remained silent.

"I love you.." He said again.

I remained silent again.

"Desire Wright, I love you and one day I'm gonna marry you so we can have beautiful children just like you." He told me.

I sighed. "I love you too, bighead."

I just hope his feelings never change for me...


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