Chapter 2

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After I heard him on the phone I went back to sleep to forget about the whole thing. I woke up with a blanket on me which I don't remember having one on. "Good morning Audi, did you sleep well?" Colby asked as he pushes me from behind on the couch. "You startled me! I didn't hear you coming." I jumped. Audi is the nick name he has called me ever since he was 4 cause he couldn't say Audrey back then.

"Does than mean I can't get a good morning hug."
"It means you'll get a good morning slap in the face if you do that again. "
"Someone's in a grumpy mood."
"Sorry I just had a bad dream."

After I said that he had a worried look on his face. I told him it was nothing to worry about. Talking to him made me remember about last night and the mystery person on the phone.

"So Colby who were you talking to last night?" I wondered. "Last night? Oh no one just an old friend." He seemed to be dodging the question a little.
"Oh it was Sam. No big deal"
"Your not keeping any secrets from me are you?"
"Of course not!"
Still I can tell something was up
"Now can I know what you had to tell me? I desperately want to know!"
"You really know want to know don't you?"
"No I'm bugging you about this cause I'm desperate for attention."
"You said you desperately wanted to know"
"And you would finally get a girlfriend. I guess we're both liars"
"Ok ok gosh right in the feels."
"Shut up and tell me already"
"Ok well Sam went to our hometown a couple days ago and he came back this morning."
"He brought back someone with him"
"He got a girl pregnant didn't he?"
"Ye- uh I mean no it's not that but it does involved a girl"
Oh my gosh.... As he gave me the news I had a feeling in my chest that I had never felt before.

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