Chapter 30

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The things that were said before Colby got in the car made some tension between Sam and Colby but I knew it wasn't going to last long. We were still going to the beach and everyone acted like nothing had happen.

We were all beach bound. Laying on the beach with the wind in our hair and sand in our toes. Me and lily had cover ups so Sam and Colby didn't see out swim suits yet until we decided to go into the water.
"Damn Audi back at it again looking fine as always."
"Shut up I'm pretty sure I look like a pig right now."
"But your a cute pig."
He kisses my forehead.
Sam's reaction to lily was so cute. They were goals.
A big smile came across sam's face.
"Is that my fiancé? She's to beautiful to mine. I'm so happy she is."
Lily is so happy with him. I love how perfect they are for each other.

We were all ready to hit to hit the water until....

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