Chapter 22

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I was so happy about the ring he gave me.  I showed Lily and she was so happy for me. Turns out Sam gave her one to. I think me and lily are the lucky ones for finding these two amazing guys. 4 years has passed. It's been a hell of a rollercoaster. We made it through and I'm so glad that we're still together.

Today is my birthday. I'm turning 19. When I woke colby was singing happy birthday and tickling me at the same time. Some times he can be childish and I forget that he's 23. But he says age doesn't matter when you really love someone.

Since I'm 19 he said he was going to give me 19 kisses through out the day. I spend the first have in my bed. He fixed me breakfast in bed and we watched a movie together. When we finally got out of bed Sam and lily was waiting for us.
"Happy birthday Audrey!" Sam and lily said at the same time.
"Colby why aren't you and Audrey dressed?"
"Cause we got a bit carried away."
He hugs me from behind and kisses me on the neck. Lily gives me a concern look.
"With watching a movie he means." I say
"Well now that your finish get dress come one were taking you out to dinner. Colby's idea."

After me and Colby finally got dressed. We headed to the restaurant. I was so happy today nothing can bring me Down. And what happen next made me even happier.

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