So straight much platonic

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Robert's P.O.V
"Wait , your not really gay , right?"
This whole conversation made my stomach drop.Me and Elijah were in the bathroom talking about how "dumb" the girls in out class were for shipping us.
Except I think it's dumb because I'm pretty sure I'm actually gay and when they ship us it gives me false hope.
But I don't like Elijah that way I think.Just because I'm *maybe* gay , doesn't mean I like every single guy I know.
Anyways , Elijah thinks it's dumb because to him we are straight , platonic , bros.
"No , I'm not gay and your not either right?"
I turn the question onto him incase I seem suspicious.
"I'm 100% straight"
Renee's P.O.V
It has been a few days since Mrs.Smiths class with Mr.Finn and each day I have gotten more and more annoyed.
I mean Alex is kind of funny , but Eddie , seriously!!?
He looks like an eggplant , potato head or whatever Mary calls him.
And I am an angel.
Why can't she see me for the Angel I am?
I don't realize how long I have been staring at the table Jimena is sitting at until ,
I look back at the voice.
"Again , God , you have it bad!"
It.A crush.Teagan said "it" like it was some sort of disease.Which isn't that far from the truth.
Math was boring and my bladder felt particularly full so I asked to go to the bathroom.
I was walking back from the bathroom outside 217e and saw a small book upside down near the lockers that I hadn't seen before.
It was leather.I opened the first page.
You know me , being the savage I am I continued reading the book anyways.

Dear diary , I was in the bathroom today with Elijah and he asked if I was gay.Of course I said I wasn't and I asked him if he was.He told me he is "100% straight".I don't know why but when he said that it kind of hurt me.It shouldn't but it did.I mean we are best friends but everyone already thinks that we are gay and a couple and it has me thinking.....but  he doesn't like me.I shouldn't like him but I think I do.When I'm around him I'm so happy and all I want to do is make him happy.

I closed the book and quickly threw it in the locker next to Teagan's locker because I know that Teagan keeps her bag there because she forgets her key everyday.For once her unorganized habits are useful.
Jimena's P.O.V
I can feel Renee's eyes on me.
I mean I like Renee.But I'm straight.
Like 100% straight.
Mary thinks that she likes me.
But I can't help but disagree.
"She probably likes you." Mary says looking serious.
"That's very stereotypical to think just because she's a lesbian that she likes every girl she meets."
"But it's true!" She protests kind of laughing.
I don't know why she thinks it's funny.
I think Renee deserves someone to love , but me?
There's nothing really special about me.
I look up and me and Renee's eyes meet for a short moment.
When she notices I'm looking back at her she looks down and starts talking to her friends.
She can be cute.Sometimes and I mean it in the most platonic way possible.
Megan's P.O.V
"Ummm , Do you like the Teletubbies?"
"What the fuck Renee?" Teagan asks light heartedly.
"Oh my god , That was my shit." I say reminiscing about my childhood.
Me and Renee talk about the Teletubbies for a bit but I notice she looks kind of off and keeps looking over her shoulder occasionally.
Hawk's P.O.V
I couldn't stop laughing.I look back at Alex who can't either.
I pick up a ruler from the bin in the middle of the table and before I can do anything else,
that made me laugh even more because he called them toys.
"I'm putting it away.." I say still smiling.
I put the red ruler back into the tray.
Ok , that makes sense.
I drew a pentagram on the back of my packet so when I was done with that I looked at everyone in the room and I saw Devin and he made a crab face.
That made me laugh.
Devin is ok.But he likes me.A lot.
I think more than a friend.He's always tapping my shoulder and asking for my attention.
I'm not homophobic but I think I'm straight.
I don't know
Authors note :
Sorry I know this is moving slow but FUKEN WAIT it's gonna get more bam bang boom I swear.

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