God everyone is gay

22 2 0

Renee's P.O.V
The dance is tonight.
I'm standing in front of my mirror.
I'm wearing my hair down because
I know it gets the ladies going ;)
I didn't end up asking out Jimena even though Teagan was peer pressuring me too.
I'm glad I didn't.
I hate being rejected.
I heard she's going with Lucas and I can't help but feel annoyed and a bit hurt.
I'm just going to try and focus on having a good time and not worry about relationships.
Much relation
Very ship.
The whole cafeteria was adorned with blue and white streamers because they are the CMS colors.
I searched for familiar faces.I saw Teagan , then Megan and the long Raven hair of Tassy.
When Teagan saw me she rammed into me.
I guess that's what friends do.
"Ooh looking very Avril Lavigne , I'm loving the  tie , m8." I smiled
"And your looking very...." She was wearing a blue and black flannel , "Teagan."

"That's exactly what I was going for!"
Oh , friends , what would I do without them?
I was doing my dank dance moves and I heard Tassy whisper
"Look at Rolijah!"
There they were giggling and whispering to each other.
Typical Rolijah.
Robert's P.O.V
Me and Elijah were joking around and laughing.

I'm so glad Mary got a concussion.

I knew Tassy was talking about us because in the crowd of girls not wearing dresses I heard giggles.
Why couldn't they just leave us alone.
I hate them getting my hopes up.
But on the other hand their constant fangirling is the only reason Elijah has even thought about the potential of our relationship.
But still it gets me nervous because I know how offended he gets when they talk about him being gay.
Wait maybe it's because he is....No
Elijah he's all

"Ball is life"

He would never.
Alex's P.O.V
Jimena was going on and on about , well , something that had to do with Mary and Olivia and how Lacy was talking shit blah blah blah.
She turned around to point to someone who wa thought to be in on the shit taking session.I wasn't really interested I mean I'm usually intrigued by the drama but there's someone I really wish I was with right now.

Hanging out with the 217e local fangirls Has made me realize a lot of things whether I want to admit it or not.
Suddenly I felt a harsh tug at my arm.
I looked up and was met with dark blue eyes.
I looked at him confused.
He held on tight to my wrist and I hesitantly followed the other boy , it was strange I had never seen this side of Hawk all commanding and stuff , I mean I have seen him be sometimes "sassy" with the teachers jokingly but never so serious and formal.

But I'm usually used to being the dominant one.

I kinda liked it.Well not in a weird way it just fit really well with him.......

We walked past the boys and girls bathrooms and we went into one of the many rooms on the bottom floor.

He led me into the pitch black room.

I kind of regret leaving my phone in my jacket in my cafeteria.

"Are you going to rape me or something?"

He let out one of his familiar chuckles even though it was dark , when my eyes adjusted to the lack of light I could see the corners of his eyes crease and make him look like an old Chinese man.
Now I'm kind of scared.

Wait , where did he go?
The place he just occupied was now gone.
Ok this isn't funny anymore.
I then feel myself being pushed up against the wall
What the fuck?
Jimena's P.O.V
I was taking to Alex but he went away but whatever , byeeeee
I'm here with Lucas and so I'm standing around with him and most of the witchcraft kids.
I get bored and look around and a spot a group standing out like a pimple.
Teagan , Megan and Renee mixed a little with Tassy and her friends.
Renee looks really cute.
(But I'm like the poster child of heterosexuality and overall straightness 100% into boys boys boys boys boys #feminist #equality)
She has on her little tie.
If I was a lesbian
(But in not because once again I like dick lol jk no but seriously)
I wouldn't mind fucking her , you know?
Teagan's P.O.V
*inner monologue*
God everyone is gay.
Am I gay?
Are you gay?
Is the CMS shark mascot gay?
Is that the watered down punch that they are serving at the dance that kind of tastes like bleach gay?
Jimena is looking at Renee hahaha
"100% straight" my fucking large ass hole
Just in time for Renee to be frolicking on the dance floor with Alexis.
2 late honey.
Who's not a leezben now ?
Authors note : wow dance dance party party
This chap is dedicated to a silvery meme queen who is a Romanesque goddess (her pussy is like hot pink dirt)
MEMEJAN aka megzinz and her alter ego girth both are my wives.
I don't keep promises
But when I do it is for dank hos.

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