then be mine

33 3 5

Robert P.O.V

Today was the dance we were all excited, well almost all of us..
Im happy Mary's not coming but I want to go with Elijah more than just friends but I'm like 96% sure he's straight..

I sigh.

"Hey Robert."

I look behind me

"Oh hey Elijah."

"Are you excited for the dance?"

I nod

"Yeah I guess.."

He looks at me concerned.

"Are you sad cause mary can't go?"

No it's you.

"Aww that's alright."
He ruffles my frizzy hair.
"Oh we should get to class, come on!"
He runs off

Ah Asians.

Hawk P.O.V

I'm obviously not going with anyone so I'm just gonna crash it with Alex.

Me and Alex are the dynamic duo

Whatever that means..

Devin was begging me to go with him but I turned him down

Why did I say no?
I don't know.
Do I like Devin?

As friends

I think.

I have a master plan to crash THE WHOLE DANCE

I laugh evilly


I sigh

It's gonna be a long day.
Tassy P.O.V

"Look at all this ships."

I say to my three best friends.

"Yeah. Much ship Very anchor."
Renee says

Teagan laughs

I tilt my head

And Megan is being dank.


She shushes me.

"Oh Renee are you gonna ask her to the dance."

Renee P.O.V

Teagan points to my "wife"

I shake my head

"I'm ok."

"Aww but Renee you two are really cute together."

The unlimited shipper fan girl says

Dankgen says

"Calm down Tassy not all ships sail."

I say as I stare directly at Jimena from across the room.
Jimena's P.O.V
I can practically feel Renee's gaze on me.I wish Mary was here so she could distract me but it gets increasingly harder not to look up.

Jimena you can do it.

Your a strong Spanish women.

You don't look at anybody , they look at you.

I gave in and turned my head up and couldn't help but smiling when I saw Renee's cherry red face.
Since Mary's not at school I had no one to hang out with in class so when Mrs.Glaza gave us a "free time" for literally doing nothing I made my way to Renee and there friends.

They are kind of weird but , their funny.

"Hey Renee."

"Hey , JIMENA" it made me laugh how she said my name.

"Are you going to the dance?" I ask.


It's just a casual question.
Stop judging me , God.

"Um ya...."

Wow Renee really specific.

".....With who?"



"You should ask someone out!"


She's so difficult.

"I want to see you have a girlfriend."
Renee's P.O.V

"I want to see you have a girlfriend."



I couldn't think of a response other than ,

Author's Note

I want to thank motherfukin


4 being a dank motherfucker and collaborating

On this chap 4 me thanks mait


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