I'll Never Leave

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Surprise & Fluff

Taylor props himself on his knees and spreads his legs over mine on the bed. He roughly bounces his body over mine. "Taylor, stop." I laugh when he grinds his body with mine and holds the both of my hands.

"Taylor!" I shout when he shifts all his weight onto me and lays his body flat on mine. I prop myself onto my elbows and shove him off me, him falling off the bed with a loud thud.

"Baby? Baby, what's wrong. We usually do this. Didn't think it would hurt. You okay?" Taylor rubs my sides after getting off of me. He has a concerned look but I'm too afraid to say anything. "Shawn, talk." He says sternly.

"Taylor, I'm pregnant." I say softly looking deeply into his eyes. He sits in between my legs and pulls my body to his. "Shawn! I love you. Why did you hide this? I'm not trying to scold you, but how long were you planning to keep this from me?"

"I thought that, that, if I told you, you would leave me. So I never planned to." I tell him, my heart feeling overwhelmed for keeping this huge secret from him.

Taylor scoots to the side of me and takes my hand with his as our backs lean against the bed's headset. "Shawn. If I leave you, I'm leaving two. I'm also leaving myself. You're a part of me, everything I have, all that I am, is because of you. You're everything. I will never leave you. And, for you to take on this baby alone? It is mine. I want this. I don't ever want to leave you. Do you understand that?"

"Taylor. I get it completely. I love you. And thank you for your support. I'm completely sorry that I assumed you would leave." I tell him. Taylor smiles to me before giving me a quick peck on my forehead.

"So, what if it wasn't yours?" I shrug casually. "Don't even say that dude!" Taylor laughs and swats my chest. "It is mine, is it?" I nod my head and take his hand in response.

Taylor pulls my blankets and puts it to my shoulders, "I may be nineteen, with you just as eighteen, yeah, yeah, maybe some say we aren't ready but, we have nine months to be."

"Sleep tight baby. I'm getting us into as much parenting classes as possible!" Taylor says and drapes his arms over me. "What if I don't want those? I really don't want to learn from other people. I want it to be... Just us."

Taylor's head goes toward my nonexistent baby bump of a stomach. "Whatever you want." He kisses my stomach and his hand rubs it. "I love the both of you so much."

April 17, 2016

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