Sophomore Year

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August 2015

    I arrived to school fifteen minutes early and met with my boyfriend Arthur. Arthur and I walked up to his group of friends which consisted of Antwon, Joshua, and Sol. After they caught up on what they did during summer, the bell rang and them being freshman, I had to show them where their classes were. 

"The A building is across the quad and the B building is the one over there." I pointed to each building and as I spoke and their eyes followed.

    For me, everything was pretty much the same as last year. The weeks passed quickly but I began to develops a friendship with Arthurs friends. With them I felt comfortable and as if I didn't have to strive to be better than any I already was. They accepted me.

    I hung out with them at least twice a week, often going to Joshua's house or to the park after we got something to eat. Sometimes Arthur would accompany us. He never liked it when I was loud (although thats what I'm known for) or when I acted weird. He seemed too judgmental about all that so I kept it down when he was around. Antwon always seemed to notice and occasionally commented about it.

    "You're so quiet Christy." He eyed me with suspicion as he spoke and glanced at Arthur as if he knew. I looked over at Arthur and saw that he was listening to us. "I'm just tired." I lied. I shrugged as if it meant nothing. We proceeded to walk along the sidewalk and past the skatepark until we were across the street and on our way to Joshua's house.

    "It's four I should go." Arthur said to me after he pulled me aside. "Alright." I replied. He got on his board and skated off. No kiss. No "I love you". Nothing. I mean it's not like I expected it. He already assumed that I knew these things. He wouldn't even hug me around his friends much less hold my hand. But that was okay. At least I made someone happy.

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