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    It was December 31st 11:59 pm. I was watching the clock intently while texting Sol.

Sol: I wish I could be with you right now.

Me: I know and then we'd be able to kiss.

Me: That'd be a great way to start the year.

Sol: Yeah.

Sol: I wish.

January 1st 2016 12:00 am

Fireworks erupted. The young morning sky was filled with random splashes of color, each one vanishing just as soon as they'd appeared. I got up and walked towards my window to get a better view. How I wished Sol was here. I tied the strings of my hoodie into a bow and sat back down onto my bed.

Thirty minutes later.

I could still here the faint popping sounds of the fireworks in the distance. Sol and I continued to text. Somehow the topic of love came up. Sol looked up the definition.

Sol: Love is an intense feeling of deep affection.

Me: Yeah.

Sol: And I have deep affection for you...

There was a pause.

Sol: So I guess that means

Sol: I love you.

When I read this I felt a wave of emotion. Relief, happiness, and security. The one I love loves me back. When I read those three words it felt as if I have never read them before. As if I had never felt a love before. Why is this?

Me: Well

Me: I guess that means I love you too.

    With all of this I was overcome with happiness. Thank you, was all I could think.

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