You Don't

49 3 2

I don’t think I can tell you that I love you,

Although I am fairly certain I do

I don’t know why but I don’t want to stop,

Because if I did

I would feel as if I let go of an intricately woven dream, 

A sparkling goal.

But you just sit there in the mud

It doesn’t matter how hard I tug at your arms

Words I say are not enough

Feet still sunken in –almost 5 feet deep

Thick stuff it holds the essence of yuck

You will never stop loving her

You replay memories like a movie reel

And oh so real do they become

Until they crack through the ground like geminating seeds

Little sprouts of pain

Weed killer

All I am an insufficient herbicide

Knives, darts, pins, all sharp things

You have no idea

How much they prick me

The lethal aerosols that get trapped within me

I swallow toxicity

You don’t love me like I love you 

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