Love's Ashes

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The crows are singing

Nails on a chalkboard,

Hair saluting

Follicular chills.

The frostbitten fusion

Of our matter:

Quarks of quirks

The snark of smirks,

It’s naked virginity.

The dirge of desire

Uncoiling cochleae.

The eclipse

Of our pupils intersection.

That detached shackling,

Fear bloomed bliss,

Dizzy sobriety,

The faint trace of a kiss.

The numbing ahh,

Of your awe.

We molt

The shells of beetles.

Marooned blood

Yields harmonious gasps

For diatomic oxygen;

Enchanting nerve gas.

The air of anarchy,

Full with our confetti ashes,

Dusting frontal lobes,

Minds sinking,

In sync.

The sensation of motion,

The coincident mannequin stillness,

Snowflake echoes of massacre,

Their sine curve undulation.

Our souls interjected

In this pool

Of plasma;

Lips dripping cyanide.

Wordless adieus,

Their tormenting absence.

Souring cognition,

Loops of amnesia impenetrable:


Our internal laughters;

Then pain stained reality.

Vomited emotions,

Our dueling hurricanes,

Then the reaper’s touch,

This is our love.

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