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I love you, and with that the flower of my face blooms in a full smile. 

I am stunning, resonant with light.  

Beams seem to gleam from my eyes, retinas in reverse. 

I have dragged you up mountains and left you at the summit, 

While I parasailed into jagged rocks. 

But you always came and found me, 

And we would cure my cuts and your altitude sickness

As we met in deep pools of spring water.

Dear friend you are so precious to me. 

Like an emerald you are a peculiar shade of green, 

But when polished your brilliant hue exhumes in full splendor.  

I thank thee: 

For fighting with me like a sibling and challenging me like a rival.

For conversing in made up languages like a child and executing wit like an Englishman. 

For singing with me like the walls of the shower and laughing with me like an audience. 

For all these things that you do,

And for simply loving me as I love you.


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