Chapter 1

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Heeey :D

So this is is the first chapter of my book The  Darkening Sky :P                                                                                              

Pleeease tell me what you think and i do apologise for any incorrect grammar :)

Picture of Dean on the side ===>

Smokin' huh?  :3 



Dean's POV

                    Chapter 1

I slammed the door of my locker shut with a loud thwack. Probably with more force than necessary but hey, it was Monday and if you coulnd't be crabby on a Monday what day could you be crabby on?

I was about to skulk off to find Rink, my Beta and best friend, when i heard an annoying clicking sounding coming straight toward me and suppressed a groan, why couldn't she just leave me alone already? The clicking got loader and i rather felt like a man being led to his execution. I slowly turned to face my doom with my mouth twisted into a slight grimace. Before me stood Savannah McKenzie in all her fake, slightly hoe-ish glory. Her long blonde was as straight as straight can be, her skin was a weird shade of orange due to how much foundation and fake tan she had on and her clothes could only be described as one thing. Revealing.  

Today she had on a black 'skirt' that could of just as easily been passed of  a long belt, high red heels and a tightly fitted red shirt with the top 3 buttons undone, which meant that because i was so much taller than her i had the misfortune of being able to see down it. That had probably been her aim though. Maybe slightly hoe-ish had been an understatement. Letting out a long, annoyed sigh i said 'What do you want Savanah?'.

She giggled and said in what was probably supposed to be seductive voice,'You?' at my un amused expression she just laughed and purred 'We both know that soon you'll be begging to be with me. I'll break down your resistance soon enough Dean Woods and you'll love every second of it.'

I snorted. I didn't have time for humans like her, there was a rogue coming today and i had to keep an eye out for it. A bordering pack had sent me a message that a rogue had ran through their territory, but before they had had a chance to capture it, it had already gone and was now heading my way. Most rogues were vicious creatures that had been banished from their packs and spent most of their time if wolf form, which made them slightly crazed from being human for so little amounts of time. Though sometimes there were simply rogues that just, for whatever reason, didn't have a pack.

I didn't bother replying to Savannah, just walked easily through the stream a other students that had slowly began to trickle into school while we were talking. Well, while she was talking. Just as i was about to step outside a scent hit me. The scent of a rogue.  Bust also the scent of the most glorious smell in the world...something slightly lemony and sharp and fresh.

I turned around sharply, my eyes searching the streaming flock of students.

Then i saw her.

And it felt like i had been hit by a freakin' bus.

The best bus ever mind you, but a bus, right in my chest.

Well bugger me. The beautiful creature that stood at the other end of the school hallway, that was staring intently at the rows of dull blue lockers, was the rogue. And was also my Mate.


And i couldn't have been more happy if i tried.

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