Chapter 5

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The next day at school.... Recess time.......

     " Hey Katherine, i heard the others in the school said that ur in trouble!!!!! Is that true??? " Sarah screamed / asked me once she saw me in the canteen. " How did you noe and how did the others in the school noe that too. And yup i am in trouble. " I replied with lots of qustion marks in my  head wondering how the other student noe that i am trouble. 

     " Well basically the whole school noes that you need to meet Mark at the roof after school be cuz you hit him yesterday." Gem said with a worried tone. ' I didnt hit him yesterday, i only bumped into him but i apologized but he said it was no use and i need to meet today after school. i wonder what he wants to do to me?"

      Everyone was looking at me and talking amoung themselves and i think i noe wat they are talking about, Mark killing me after school. Erg hate them so much!!!!  " Well we all dun noe but i can assure you that you will get hurt pretty badly. Anyway ,  relax , if the gang really wants to kill you then we will go and they the teachers straight away. " Jane said tring to calm me down.

         ' Ding Ding Ding Ding' the last bell rang and my heart stared beating super fast cuz its time to suffer. Jane brought me to the roof cuz i didnt noe the way. When we reached the roof, i saw 5 muscular guys chatting with Mark and Mark was laughing like he had juz heard a joke.

" Mark look so hot when he laugh..... " i whispered to Jane still staring at Mark. " Dude ur goin to get kill in like 1 minute and u are still admiring how hot ur killer is.. "

        " Oh hey our little Katherine is here and she even brought a friend here. Jane pls leave we wnt to be with Katherine ALONE. " Jane left after Mark told her to. Mark walked up me " So Katherine u bumped into me yesterday and think that one small apology can make you save, well then u r wrong. Now i want u to help us do our home work  for us also clean up my house for me everyday after school. GOT IT. "i nodded my head left.

    " So wat did he say or day. Did they hurt you ? " the gurls asked me once they see me at the corridor. I told them wat happened and they juz looked at me with question marks all over their faces. " thats weird. normally Mark will beat tat person til he/she bleed like hell then he will stop. '; Gem said witha wat the hell juz happened look. i juz shrugged and we left school together.

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