How You Had Your First Kiss

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No no no, open your eyes. 

No matter how many times you tried to erase this from your memory, I know you never will be able to. That scar on your upper lip with forever be there to remind you of this night. Yes, it was awkward and you were completely unprepared, but I know you will never forget it. 

It was the early days of the prison, before the awful man who ruled Woodbury decided to tear your world apart. It was late at night, defiantly past midnight. You were tired, but your stomach hurt from how much you were laughing. 

Beth suggested that you all play a trivia type game in celebration of finding your new home. There were two teams, the Grimes boys, yourself, and Daryl were all gathered around one table, having a debate on the answer to the question Beth asked. 

You were carefully watching Lori's table, which consisted of herself, Hershel, Maggie and Glenn, trying to read their lips to get the answer. Inspiration struck you and with a gasp, you had whipped your head back to whisper the answer to Carl, and Carl, who was sitting right next to you, apparently had the same idea. With all the excitement of knowing the answer, you barely noticed Carl's head speeding towards yours. 

Your faces collided, your front teeth cracking together. Your top lip was caught between the hard surfaces and split open, blood instantly gushing out over the dry skin. You lips felt warm, and not because of the blood. You blushed and tried to hide that fact that you noticed the mere seconds when your lips were connected with Carl's. 

You reacted fast, getting up from the metal table and heading toward your cell. You pressed an old shirt to your lip until the bleeding stopped. 

At that point, the game was over and everyone was getting ready to go to sleep. 

The embarrassment was eating you from the inside out, but you couldn't help but replay the moment over and over in your head. You wondered if Carl was thinking about it too, but you concluded that he probably wasn't. You were wrong. 

It wasn't for another hour or so before Carl finally found the courage to go and see you. 

You were already in bed and reading a book when we knocked on your cell door. He came in and sat next to you on the bed. Your face instantly heated, so you foolishly tried to hide your face with the waterlogged pages. You pulled your knees up to keep some distance between yourself and the boy you were trying to hide from. Carl just gently moved the book out of the way and pretended to examine the cut on your lip, but you knew what he was really doing. 

Ever since that grey sky day, the feelings you had for Carl were growing, but you didn't dare tell anyone, not even him. You were so unsure of what he thought of you, and that made you nervous and protective of yourself. 

It was then that you realized you had gotten lost in the oceans that were that boy's eyes, and you were only sinking deeper. Your lips parted for air as you drowned in his eyes. You hadn't noticed him moving closer or that your legs moved out of the way for him until there was only about an inch of open air between his pink lips and your damaged ones. 

"I...I," he had tried to say something, but his breath was caught in his throat when you puckered your lips, gently touching the tips of your lips to his. 

Do you remember how awkward the first few seconds were? You had sat there, unmoving, unsure of what to do. I hope you know that he had no idea what to do either.

You had tingles in your finger tips and your cheeks were warm as you realized that you were kissing Carl. It took you two a while, but you finally got the hang of it. Carl decided to be brave and placed his hands on the sides of your face, and that is when the kiss really happened.

During the following months, you became a master at making out, and so did he. It sure made everyone uncomfortable, but who really cares? 

Now, I don't know which kiss you consider your first, but I like to think that the awkward lip-touch-during-trivia was your first. One, because it is funnier that way, and two, because although you didn't, I saw the look on his face when it happened. You were too embarrassment to see it, but when you ran away, I saw him try to and fail miserably at hiding an awed smile. 

All first kisses are two sided, and yours, my friend, yours was a complete accident.

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